Version 5.3

ChrisAVWoodChrisAVWood Posts: 361
edited January 31, 2008 9:33AM in SQL Backup Previous Versions
It says early Q1. Is it nearly ready? I have a new install I want to do soon so I would like to know if I should wait for 5.3. Is it worth the wait?


English DBA living in CANADA


  • Yes, it's due out at the end of February.
    Helen Joyce
    SQL Backup Project Manager
    Red Gate Software
  • Hi Chris,

    I imagine that you and others are interested in what we are including in SQL Backup 5.3. Well here are the highlights:

    • Usability updates to the Back up wizard
    • Fixing an issue where multi-threaded backups could hang or crash using compression level 3
    • Adding support for the "WITH PARTIAL" keyword
    • SQL Backup now provides different purge options for local and network drives
    • Adding an option so users can filter the backup history that is pulled from msdb
    • Improving the performance of the ERASEFILES and ERASEFILES_ATSTART options
    • Failover is now optional if the SQL Backup service fails to start in a clustered environment
    • Allowing cluster users to choose the location for the data.sdf at install time
    • Improving SQL Backup's handling of timeouts
    • Shipping the maintenance plan conversion tool with SQL Backup 5
    • Adding an additional option to send email notifications when a warning is generated, and the content and behavior of error and warning emails has been improved

    Hope that helps, a more complete list will be posted with the release.


    Jonathan Watts

    -Project Manager
    -Red Gate Software Ltd
  • Thanks for all the information.

    English DBA living in CANADA
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