Different Users and Mapping does not work!

KentWAKentWA Posts: 2
edited January 25, 2008 9:17AM in SQL Compare Previous Versions
User Mapping Does not work.

All the objects in my DB are Owned by dbo (i.e. [dbo].[users] my source and target have different users that are members of dbo. Even when I map the users properly SQL Compare attempts to still creates the line:

GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[aspnet_AnyDataInTables] TO [hawkwin_portaluser]

Which is the user in the source DB and does not exist in the target. I finally had to copy the script to SQL Studio and manuall change that line. However I want to automate this and not have to go through this step.

How do I get it to GRANT ACCESS to the proper user?



  • Eddie DEddie D Posts: 1,807 Rose Gold 5
    Thank you for your post into the forum.

    There is no functionality within SQL Compare to Map Users or Logins. There is the ability to Map Owners or Schemas.

    When you create a comparison project and you have selected your data sources, SQL Compare automatically maps objects with the same name and the same owner (SQL Server 2000) or schema (SQL Server 2005) for you.

    If you want to compare objects with the same name but those objects have different owners or belong to different schemas, you can map the owners or schemas as required. For example, if you want to compare objects in a test database that are owned by sales with objects in a production database that are owned by support, you can map sales to support.

    Can you please reply back with further information on what you are trying to achieve.

    Many Thanks

    Eddie Davis
    Technical Support Engineer
    Red Gate Software Ltd
    E-Mail: support@red-gate.com
    Eddie Davis
    Senior Product Support Engineer
    Redgate Software Ltd
    Email: support@red-gate.com
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