SQL Prompt constantly loses table names and fields

Unfortunately i am fast losing patience with SQL Prompt. I have upgraded to the latest version which fixed a lot of the issues i was having previously and fetched nice new enhancements - i.e. CTE support etc..
Now even the basics are constantly failing.
Its a shame because i think its a great tool.
At the moment i am writing a lot of queries for reports so i am writing several SQL expressions on a query page and running part of the query i need (standard use i would have thought). At random points - sometimes a 5-10 mins after refreshing the cache i am finding i am having to refresh the cache again - and this is for tables that are static in the database - not subqueryies or aliases.
Its driving me mad to be honest. Is there any reason this is happening or any settings i can change to fix these problems! Although there are new features at least the old version never lost the static tables!

Also after you get past a couple of aliases the auto join selection is totally lost.
I also get the field names disappearing for sub query aliases and standard aliases.
Also I am constantly having to battle with SQL Prompt when i keep getting SQL functions appearing before my aliases. This may be a knock on effect of the above.
Any help appreciated before i go back to drag and drop!
Now even the basics are constantly failing.

At the moment i am writing a lot of queries for reports so i am writing several SQL expressions on a query page and running part of the query i need (standard use i would have thought). At random points - sometimes a 5-10 mins after refreshing the cache i am finding i am having to refresh the cache again - and this is for tables that are static in the database - not subqueryies or aliases.
Its driving me mad to be honest. Is there any reason this is happening or any settings i can change to fix these problems! Although there are new features at least the old version never lost the static tables!

Also after you get past a couple of aliases the auto join selection is totally lost.
I also get the field names disappearing for sub query aliases and standard aliases.
Also I am constantly having to battle with SQL Prompt when i keep getting SQL functions appearing before my aliases. This may be a knock on effect of the above.
Any help appreciated before i go back to drag and drop!

Sorry to see you're having problems. How long are your scripts? You might want to try increasing the number of lines above your cursor position that SQL Prompt examines, just in case your statements are being broken up by this limit, in which case the parser may become confused.
Try going to SQL Prompt > Options, then Listed Candidates > Performance and increasing "Search a fixed number of lines from the caret" to 100 or even 200. You can increase this even further if you don't notice any negative impact on performance as you type. You could instead switch over to "Search entire batch/GO block", although I wouldn't recommend this if individual SQL batches within your scripts ever run to more than a few hundred lines.
Hope that helps.
Principal Consultant
bartread.com Ltd