Sql Compare 6 produces script not working on SQL 2000

The change script that Sql Compare 6 generates is different depending on the version of SQL server that is installed on the computer. I need to create a change script on a computer containing SQL Server 2005 but the script needs to be SQL Server 2000 compatible. How do I do this?
Redgate Software
I have a 2005 database backup (development database with table changes).
I have a 2000 database backup (customer database that should become the same as the development database but customer has sql 2000)
I have a development computer with Sql Server 2005 and Sql compare 6 and both database are mounted.
What should i do to create a 2000 compatible update script for our customer? Thanks in advance.
You can work around it if you have SQL Compare Pro:
1) Save the 2000 database to scripts
2) Register the resulting scripts folder as a SQL Server 2000 database and save it as a snapshot
3) Compare your 2005 database against the snapshot
I've added a feature request to our bug database for the feature 'select which version of SQL Server the synchronization script should target, independant of the actual target version' - is that correct?
Redgate Software
That feature request sounds correct. Thanks.