I am raising this issue although it was already raised in the "previous versions" forum as the problem still seems to exist in using SQL Server 2000.
I have a problem when synchronizing data between columns that are sql_variant type where both rows contain blank strings. The error returned is provided below and is caused up by the following invalid statement - CAST(N'' AS nvarchar(0)).
No differences are found between the two rows in the previous version I was using -
The error appears to be something to do with the underlying data type of the variant column because if i convert the field to a nvarchar(50) and then back to a sql variant the CAST statement below is then correct - ie CAST(N'' AS nvarchar(50)).
On further examination it appears that the MaxLength property returned by the SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY function for one of the databases returns zero. I do not believe this to be a valid value for this property but have no idea as to how this value has been set. I use a VB client and ADO 2.7 to write the data into the table.
Using Enterprise Manager to create the tables and data always appears to syncronise correctly - with underlying datatables of nvarchar and MaxLength of 60. No amount of fiddling with the columns can I get it to fail.
Databases can be provided if requested.
The following error message was returned from the SQL Server:
[1001] Line 7: Length or precision specification 0 is invalid.
The following SQL command caused the error:
-- Pointer used for text / image updates. This might not be needed, but is declared here just in case
DECLARE @pv binary(16)
-- Update 1 row in [dbo].[DT_ADDRESS]
UPDATE [dbo].[DT_ADDRESS] SET [Tel_Number]=CAST(N'' AS nvarchar(0)) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS WHERE [Ndx]=13036
I am raising this issue although it was already raised in the "previous versions" forum as the problem still seems to exist in using SQL Server 2000.
I have a problem when synchronizing data between columns that are sql_variant type where both rows contain blank strings. The error returned is provided below and is caused up by the following invalid statement - CAST(N'' AS nvarchar(0)).
No differences are found between the two rows in the previous version I was using -
The error appears to be something to do with the underlying data type of the variant column because if i convert the field to a nvarchar(50) and then back to a sql variant the CAST statement below is then correct - ie CAST(N'' AS nvarchar(50)).
On further examination it appears that the MaxLength property returned by the SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY function for one of the databases returns zero. I do not believe this to be a valid value for this property but have no idea as to how this value has been set. I use a VB client and ADO 2.7 to write the data into the table.
Using Enterprise Manager to create the tables and data always appears to syncronise correctly - with underlying datatables of nvarchar and MaxLength of 60. No amount of fiddling with the columns can I get it to fail.
Databases can be provided if requested.
The following error message was returned from the SQL Server:
[1001] Line 7: Length or precision specification 0 is invalid.
The following SQL command caused the error:
-- Pointer used for text / image updates. This might not be needed, but is declared here just in case
DECLARE @pv binary(16)
-- Update 1 row in [dbo].[DT_ADDRESS]
UPDATE [dbo].[DT_ADDRESS] SET [Tel_Number]=CAST(N'' AS nvarchar(0)) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS WHERE [Ndx]=13036
Why would you ever have an empty string variant data in a column?
We're currently working on 6.1 so could get a fix in there if there's a nice enough solution.
Project Manager
Red Gate Software Ltd
Thanks for the quick reply. It's easy enough to get an empty string into the sql_variant column using an INSERT statement.
INSERT INTO ([Variant_Field]) SELECT CAST('' as nvarchar)
This however sets the MaxLength property for that field, correctly, to 60
I will continue to look into how the maxlength property has been set to 0 in some rows of my table as this appears to be the root of the issue.
Project Manager
Red Gate Software Ltd
Having looked at the code I am using to update the records I think I now understand how VB6 using ADO2.7 also causes this.
If you have a VB Variant variable declared and you set this to equal a blank string and then you set your ADO field object (sql_variant) Value to equal the VB Variant and then call BatchUpdate the MaxLength property =0
I have not been able to find out if this is behavior by design but it would seem logical to be able to set the value of a sql_variant to the value of a VB Variant without this issue.
If you manually convert the variant to a string before you set the ADO field then the field gets the type varchar and its standard length (30)
'Illustrative (non working) code
dim vData1 as Variant
dim vData2 as Variant
dim aField as ADODB.Field
vData1 = ""
'This line will set MaxLength = 0
afield.value = vData1
vData2 = vData1
'This line will set MaxLength = 30
afield.value = CSTR(vData2)
'Show that both values are the same - returns TRUE
Msgbox vData1 = vData2
'Show that both variant types are the same - returns TRUE
Msgbox TypeName(vData1) = TypeName(vData2)
So the difference appears to be that sql_server (or ADO) interprets vData1 as a NULL STRING and vData2 as a String of length zero.
Although I can change my code to work around this problem I have many existing live databases that contain NULL Strings that I need to compare.
Would the REPLICATE() method of matching really be awkward? Would you not only use it when the variant contained a NULL string (ie. had zero maxlength) - otherwise do as normal.
With luck the point release will be out by Christmas.
Project Manager
Red Gate Software Ltd
Many thanks,
David Perry
Richard Mitchell
Development Manager
Project Lead SQL Data Compare 6
Professional Geek
C# Guru
Project Manager
Red Gate Software Ltd
Do you know if you are anywhere near this release yet?
We're in the final testing now and next week is looking likely.
(We've added temporary file compression as an option too
Project Manager
Red Gate Software Ltd