Nice job

But, what good is a single server version?
If I want to execute scripts on a single server, I'll use Query Analyzer or Management Studio...
Come on guys, entry level should support 2 servers -- at least.
If I want to execute scripts on a single server, I'll use Query Analyzer or Management Studio...
Come on guys, entry level should support 2 servers -- at least.
The free 14-day trial enables you to run scripts against an unlimited number of servers in one go. If you go on to purchase SQL Multi Script, you will receive a serial number to activate the product according to the number of licenses specified at the time of purchase.
Although a 1-server license will not enable you to execute scripts against more than a single server at a time, it does mean that you can run multiple scripts against any number of databases on multiple instances on any one server at any one time. You can also aggregate result sets returned from the multiple databases. This functionality is more powerful and will save you more time than the process you go through using Query Analyzer or Management Studio for the same task. I think the real benefit for DBAs with SQL Multi Script is that executing scripts against multiple databases (and/or multiple servers) can be completed with one button click and from just one interface.
If you have a 1-user SQL Toolbelt, you are automatically offered a 1-server license of SQL Multi Script. It’s easy to upgrade or purchase multi-server licenses – simply contact sales[at] (phone: 1 866 733 4283 (toll free USA and Canada) or +44 (0)870 160 0037 (rest of the world)) for further information.
I hope this helps with your question, Dave. Please do get in touch again if we can be of any further help.
Kind regards,
SQL Backup Project Manager
Red Gate Software
I see your point about multiple instances on one server. I think the real value of this is being able to run scripts across multiple servers.
Frankly, I don't see this one going anywhere.
Sure, you'll sell a copy with each toolbelt, but paying (even) more for additional servers for what amounts to a enhanced Query Analyzer/Management Studio tool isn't going to endear this to too many folks.
On the other hand, if you would have released this without that restriction, this could have become another classic.
Oh well.
Let me know if there are any problems.
SQL Backup Project Manager
Red Gate Software
Thank you.