Database Column Name Casing

EdgeMMGEdgeMMG Posts: 6
Hello all.

I am currently in the process of evaluating SQL Prompt and it looks great!

Currently the database tables I am working with are upper case. However, in my code I want to reference them using lower case. I was wondering if there is a way to make SQL Prompt lowercase everything before it inserts it.

Thanks in advance for your time.


  • Eddie DEddie D Posts: 1,808 Rose Gold 5
    Thank you for your post into the forum.

    The default setting for SQL Prompt is to Uppercase the following:
    Reserved Keywords
    Built-in functions
    Built-in data types

    To Change this, Click on the SQL Prompt Menu ->Select Options ->Inserted Candidates ->In the left hand list, select Case ->Modify as required using the drop lists to:

    UPPERCASE (default setting)
    Leave as is

    Many Thanks

    Eddie Davis
    Technical Support Engineer
    Red Gate Software Ltd
    Eddie Davis
    Senior Product Support Engineer
    Redgate Software Ltd
  • Thanks Eddie.

    I had tried those options and they seemed to have affected the reserved keywords but they still pulled in database column names in UPPERCASE.
  • Eddie DEddie D Posts: 1,808 Rose Gold 5
    Unfortunately the feature you are seeking is not currently available in SQL Prompt.

    The casing of database objects and columns in database tables is supplied by SQL Server.

    Therefore if your database objects and columns where created / named using UPPERCASE letters, SQL Prompt will insert UPPERCASE letters.

    I can submit a feature request, for the ability within SQL Prompt to be able to modify the case of database objects and columns to be all UPPERCASE, lowercase or left as is.

    Please confirm that you wish for me to submit this request?
    Eddie Davis
    Senior Product Support Engineer
    Redgate Software Ltd
  • Good morning Eddie.

    That sounds like exactly what we are desiring.

    Thank you for submitting that request!
  • Eddie DEddie D Posts: 1,808 Rose Gold 5

    I have now submitted the feature request, to have the ability to be able to set the character case for database objects to be:

    All lowercase
    Leave as is

    In the same manner for the Reserved Keywords.

    Hopefully the feature you are looking for will able in a later version of SQL Prompt.

    However I cannot guarantee the request will be successul. If the request does obtain approval, I do not know what future version of SQL Prompt the enhancement will appear in.

    Many Thanks

    Eddie Davis
    Technical Support Engineer
    Red Gate Software Ltd
    Eddie Davis
    Senior Product Support Engineer
    Redgate Software Ltd
  • Good morning.

    I was just wondering if there has been any progress on incorporating this request into SQL Prompt.

    Thank you for your time.
  • Hello,

    We have this feature in our review list for SQL Prompt v4 and I will keep you posted with the updates once we have finalised the feature list for SQL Prompt v4.

  • Thank you for the update.

    Is there currently a place we can go to apply to be beta testers when that is ready?

  • Hi,

    I will enter your contact details into our beta testers database for SQL Prompt v4, so that you would be notified when v4 is made available.

    Many thanks,
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