Collation and Error 880: BACKUP DATABASE permission denied

We have SQL Backup installed and are experiencing an error that appears similar to ones I've seen before in other forum messages.
However the behaviour is a little different. We have a scheduled job that backs up two databases. If the backup of the two databases on this server are run via Query Analyzer (logged in as 'sa') they complete OK.
However if run via a SQL Agent scheduled job, one of the two databases completes OK, but the second errors as follows:
"SQL Backup log file
9/11/2007 12:00:17 a.m.: Backing up STB (differential database) to:
9/11/2007 12:00:17 a.m.: \\kbpdbackup02\SQLBackup\KBPDSQLSTB01\Backup\STB\DIFF_(local)_STB_20071109_000017.sqb
9/11/2007 12:00:17 a.m.: BACKUP DATABASE [STB] TO DISK = '\\kbpdbackup02\SQLBackup\KBPDSQLSTB01\Backup\<database>\<AUTO>.sqb' WITH NAME = '<AUTO>', DESCRIPTION = '<AUTO>', DIFFERENTIAL, INIT, ERASEFILES = 12h, COMPRESSION = 1
9/11/2007 12:05:17 a.m.: Error 880: BACKUP DATABASE permission denied in database: (STB)
9/11/2007 12:05:17 a.m.: Timeout expired"
The scheduled job is owned by 'sa' (not the service account for the agent)and the job step is run as user 'Self'.
The failing database backup has a collation different from the server collation.
However the behaviour is a little different. We have a scheduled job that backs up two databases. If the backup of the two databases on this server are run via Query Analyzer (logged in as 'sa') they complete OK.
However if run via a SQL Agent scheduled job, one of the two databases completes OK, but the second errors as follows:
"SQL Backup log file
9/11/2007 12:00:17 a.m.: Backing up STB (differential database) to:
9/11/2007 12:00:17 a.m.: \\kbpdbackup02\SQLBackup\KBPDSQLSTB01\Backup\STB\DIFF_(local)_STB_20071109_000017.sqb
9/11/2007 12:00:17 a.m.: BACKUP DATABASE [STB] TO DISK = '\\kbpdbackup02\SQLBackup\KBPDSQLSTB01\Backup\<database>\<AUTO>.sqb' WITH NAME = '<AUTO>', DESCRIPTION = '<AUTO>', DIFFERENTIAL, INIT, ERASEFILES = 12h, COMPRESSION = 1
9/11/2007 12:05:17 a.m.: Error 880: BACKUP DATABASE permission denied in database: (STB)
9/11/2007 12:05:17 a.m.: Timeout expired"
The scheduled job is owned by 'sa' (not the service account for the agent)and the job step is run as user 'Self'.
The failing database backup has a collation different from the server collation.
I believe the SQL Backup Agent Service startup account (the Windows account that the SQL Backup Agent is configured to run as) also needs permission to back up the database.
The account that is used by the SQL Backup service, the SQL Agent service, and the SQL Server service is the same one (in our case 'CORP\sqlsrv'). It has system administrator server role permissions to all databases by default.
I have tried getting the SQL Backup Agent to log in using SQL Server authentication by using:
sp_addextendedproc sqbsetlogin, 'xp_sqlbackup.dll'
sqbsetlogin 'sa', 'sqbpassword'
sp_dropextendedproc sqbsetlogin
This did not resolve the issue.
I tried this:
I create two databases. One called SQLBackpTest, and another SQLBackpTest2.
SQLBackpTest has a collation of SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
SQLBackpTest2 has a collation of Latin1_General_CI_AS.
The server collation is Latin1_General_CI_AS.
A scheduled backup of SQLBackpTest fails with Error 880: BACKUP DATABASE permission denied. A scheduled backup of SQLBackpTest2 succeeds.
In the SQL Backup activity log in the GUI, is the user who performed the failed backup for the database that generates the 880 error recorded? Who does it say is doing the backup?
It has recorded the backup and the error message in the GUI. It shows the correct account attempting the backup 'CORP\sqlsrv', which is the service account that SQL Backup uses.
After looking at a few similar forum posts, I think the problem may lie outside of SQL Server. First, there is a SQL Backup error code 880 permission denied, then a timeout. Some other issues relating to a failure to get information about a Windows account also exibit SQL Backup error code 880, followed by a 'could not get information about user...' error.
So I think that the 'timeout' may relate to SQL Server attempting to contact the domain controller to get information about your SQL Server account.
So what is your Active Directory topology like? Is the SQL Server in the CORP domain, or is it a member of a different domain? If so, what is the trust relationship like? Is CORP\sqlsrv denied query access to Active Directory?
I did see those other posts and did wonder if my fault was related, however since it didn't contain any messages containing 'could not get information about user...' I wasn't sure.
The server that SQlBackup is running is in the CORP domain.
If it is timing out because of network topology am I wrong in pursuing the collation difference theory? I would have expected for an AD related the failure to be consistant for any backup, not just against any database with a different collation to the server. If I create other databases for testing this all that have a collation the same as the server succeed, all that have different collation fail.
Is there any further logging that I can do do provide more information?
The backups do work when the same script is run from query analyzer.
"-- Testing for BACKUP rights.
-- Work from server role to database role, to BACKUP DATABASE execution and restriction rights.
-- # Aliases are not supported.
DECLARE @hasrights integer
SELECT @hasrights = IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin', 'CORP\sqlsrv')
IF (@hasrights = 0) OR (@hasrights IS NULL)
-- As long as the user has sysadmin server role, he can backup the database.
SELECT @hasrights = IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin')
IF (@hasrights = 0) OR (@hasrights IS NULL)
-- This has to be done because IS_SRVROLEMEMBER does not check recursively if a login name is provided.
DECLARE @login_type integer
DECLARE @login_name sysname
-- No sysadmin rights. Check for database db_owner role.
SELECT @hasrights = IS_MEMBER('db_owner')
-- Check for database db_backupoperator role.
IF (@hasrights <> 1)
SELECT @hasrights = IS_MEMBER('db_backupoperator')
-- No db_backupoperator role. Check BACKUP DATABASE execute rights.
-- Quick check for explicit rights.
IF (@hasrights = 0) OR (@hasrights IS NULL)
SELECT @hasrights = 1 WHERE EXISTS
SELECT 1 FROM sysprotects a
INNER JOIN sysusers b ON a.uid = b.uid AND = 'CORP\sqlsrv'
WHERE a.action = 228
AND a.protecttype IN (204, 205)
IF (@hasrights = 0) OR (@hasrights IS NULL)
-- No direct rights. Now need to iterate and check all Windows groups and SQL Server roles.
SELECT (CASE WHEN b.isntgroup = 1 THEN 1 ELSE CASE WHEN b.issqlrole = 1 THEN 2 ELSE 0 END END) type,
FROM sysprotects a
INNER JOIN sysusers b ON a.uid = b.uid
WHERE a.action = 228
AND a.protecttype IN (204, 205)
AND (b.isntgroup = 1 OR b.issqlrole = 1)
OPEN cur_rights
FETCH NEXT FROM cur_rights INTO @login_type, @login_name
SELECT @hasrights = IS_MEMBER(@login_name)
IF @hasrights = 1
FETCH NEXT FROM cur_rights INTO @login_type, @login_name
CLOSE cur_rights
DEALLOCATE cur_rights
-- for database level rights, need to check if DENY restriction exists
IF @hasrights = 1
SELECT @hasrights = 0 WHERE EXISTS
SELECT 1 FROM sysprotects a
INNER JOIN sysusers b ON a.uid = b.uid AND = 'CORP\sqlsrv'
WHERE a.action = 228
AND a.protecttype IN (206)
IF @hasrights = 1
-- No explicit DENY restrictions. Check via group / role membership.
SELECT (CASE WHEN b.isntgroup = 1 THEN 1 ELSE CASE WHEN b.issqlrole = 1 THEN 2 ELSE 0 END END) type,
FROM sysprotects a
INNER JOIN sysusers b ON a.uid = b.uid
WHERE a.action = 228
AND a.protecttype = 206
AND (b.isntgroup = 1 OR b.issqlrole = 1)
OPEN cur_rights
FETCH NEXT FROM cur_rights INTO @login_type, @login_name
SELECT @hasrights = IS_MEMBER(@login_name)
IF @hasrights = 1
SET @hasrights = 0
FETCH NEXT FROM cur_rights INTO @login_type, @login_name
CLOSE cur_rights
DEALLOCATE cur_rights
DECLARE @dbname sysname
SELECT @dbname = name FROM master..sysdatabases WHERE name = N'STB'
IF @hasrights = 1
SELECT CAST(1 AS int) AS hasrights, @dbname AS name
SELECT CAST(0 AS int) AS hasrights, @dbname AS name"
I cut and pasted it into Query Analyzer. If you are in the database (in the example above its STB) itself it runs ok. If you are anywhere else it eventually times out.
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
What is interesting is that the sode below the IF statement is being executed when it shouldn't.
If you run "DECLARE @hasrights integer
SELECT @hasrights = IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin', 'CORP\SQLSRV')
PRINT @hasrights -- I added this to see what the result is"
You get 1 as the result of the PRINT. On that basis the "IF (@hasrights = 0) OR (@hasrights IS NULL)" should not be exeuted. However it is.
I am logged on to the server as 'CORP\sqlsrv'. So even though that account is a sysadmin it is not being recognised as such.
As for the rights issue, that script is ran in the context of the SQL Backup Agent service startup user, not the user that is running the backup command. The SQL Backup Agent service startup user may be receiving different results from the IS_SRVROLEMEMBER function. Try logging in to SQL Server using the same user as the SQL Backup Agent service startup user, run the script, and see if IS_SRVROLEMEMBER produces the same result.
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
So I signed onto the server as 'CORP\sqlsrv'.
And then execute the code posted previously from query analyzer.
In each case I start in the master database.
By changing the line 'USE [<database name>] ' to each of the databases on the server in turn the script runs ok, except for two databases.
sp_who2 shows the process as runnable. There is no blocking at all on the server.
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
I did as you asked:
use _dba
use master
use model
use msdb
use SQLBackpTest
use SQLBackpTest2
use STB
Completes successfully.
SELECT IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin', 'CORP\sqlsrv')
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
SELECT IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin', 'CORP\sqlsrv')
use _dba
SELECT IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin', 'CORP\sqlsrv')
use master
SELECT IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin', 'CORP\sqlsrv')
use model
SELECT IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin', 'CORP\sqlsrv')
use msdb
SELECT IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin', 'CORP\sqlsrv')
use SQLBackpTest
SELECT IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin', 'CORP\sqlsrv')
use SQLBackpTest2
SELECT IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin', 'CORP\sqlsrv')
use STB
And all gave a result of '1'.
Could you please try to identify which part of the script, after the USE statement, times out, when logged on as the COPR\sqlsrv user?
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8