How to extract the database name from a backup file

I'm trying to figure out how to retrieve the database name from the header of a backup using TSQL. The issue I'm running into is that the sqlbackup procedure returns two datasets.
For example, with a Native SQL backup I can do:
This of course fails when I try to something similar with master..sqlbackup because it has two different datasets that come back: one with the header information and the other with the success/failure information.
Can anyone give me some direction on how to handle this output or have an alternate way to retrieve the database name?
For example, with a Native SQL backup I can do:
SET @SQL = 'RESTORE HEADERONLY FROM DISK = ''' + @backupFile + '''' insert into #header EXEC (@SQL) -- Query #header to my heart's content
This of course fails when I try to something similar with master..sqlbackup because it has two different datasets that come back: one with the header information and the other with the success/failure information.
Can anyone give me some direction on how to handle this output or have an alternate way to retrieve the database name?
SET @SQL = 'master..sqlbackup ''-SQL "RESTORE HEADERONLY FROM DISK = ''''' + @backupFile + ''''' WITH SINGLERESULTSET"'';'
This will return the first result set (the HEADERONLY contents) but discard the second result set (the success status).
Hope that helps,
Thank you,