Saving Contents of BlockExecutor for Later Execution

bazza47bazza47 Posts: 7
edited October 29, 2007 7:51AM in SQL Toolkit Previous Versions
After comparing two database schemas using the SQL Toolkit 6 API, I can save the changes to a file as follows:
string filePath = GetCachedScriptFilePath(targetDatabaseName);
BlockSaver saveBlock = new BlockSaver(filePath, EncodingType.UTF8, work.ExecutionBlock);

Is it possible to use the API to load the contents of the file, at some later time, and then apply these changes?

I tried code as follows, to apply the script contents, but the BlockExecutor doesnt like the 'GO's in the script. If I take the GOs out the the BlockExecutor fails because variables are defined more than once etc.
string scriptWithoutGO = String.Empty;
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(cachedScriptFilePath))
    string script = sr.ReadToEnd();
    //scriptWithoutGO = script.Replace("GO", " ");   // nuke any GO's
    scriptWithoutGO = script;                       // or try with GO's

using (RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.Database dbTarget = new RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.Database())
    RedGate.SQL.Shared.BlockExecutor b = new BlockExecutor();
    using (ExecutionBlock blk = new ExecutionBlock())
        b.ExecuteBlock(blk, dataSource, targetDatabaseName, true, String.Empty, String.Empty);

We have a large number of databases we need to sync and storing the changes to a script file for subsequent execution could lead to a reduction in processing time.



  • The script which is saved using BlockSaver is designed to be run with Management Studio or similar tools.

    There are two approaches you could take to saving an execution block:

    1) Save the script and then run it 'by hand', i.e. using something like the following:
    public static void executeSql(string fileName, SqlConnection connection, bool reportErrors)
                string sqlScript;
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fileName))
                    sqlScript = sr.ReadToEnd();
                Regex r = new Regex("\\sGO\\s");
                string[] sqlScriptParts = r.Split(sqlScript);
                    foreach (string sql in sqlScriptParts)
                        SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            if (reportErrors) throw;
                            Console.WriteLine("Error executing command: " + command.CommandText);
                            Console.WriteLine("Error was: " + e);

    2) Serialize the actual ExecutionBlock object out to disk somehow, and read it back in into an ExecutionBlock object directly. I'm not entirely sure how or if this would work - I can look into it further if the above method won't do.
    Software Developer
    Redgate Software
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