Can not delete .sqb files created with Nowrite option.

I was running some timing tests to optimize the speed of SQL Backup. When I finished I was going back to 'cleanup' the files. The actual backups that were created could be deleted, but I have about 10 files that are 1KB in size that were created with the NoWrite option. When I go to delete those files I get a window that says, "Cannot delete DataWarehouse_db_20071023_133309.sqb: It is being used by another person of program. Close any programs that might be using the file and try again."
Larry Meklemburg
Cleveland, OH
Larry Meklemburg
Cleveland, OH
Larry M
Cleveland, OH USA
Cleveland, OH USA
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup N'-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [DataWarehouse] TO DISK = ''\\Themis\DataBackups2\Dev-DB\<AUTO>.sqb''WITH COMPRESSION = 1, NOWRITE, THREADCOUNT = 2"'
This created a file named DataWarehouse_db_20071024_134554.sqb.
I can not delete that file.
Cleveland, OH USA
To fix the problem I remoted back into the server and restarted the SQL Backup Agent. After doing that I was able to delete the files.
Cleveland, OH USA
Presently, the workaround is as you described: restart the SQL Backup Agent service, and delete the files.
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8