Real Time data compare and scheduled data compare


I want to perform 2 type of data comparisons over 2 database on 2 different database servers. Both database are similar (similar in structures and tables).

1. Real time comparisons and updates. If i update/delete/add anything in database1, i want it to be updated to database2. I only want to select a few tables in database1 for this action, and for all fields in each tables.

2. Able to perform scheduled content comparisons for selected tables in database1 to database2. if there is update in database1, the software able to update database2.

i need the above functions using Red Gate data compare. It is something like transactional replication, but i do not want to spend thousands to purchase additional SQL Server Ent Edition just to perform this. I am not interested to use triggers as there are more than 100 tables that i want to compare and updates.

Please advice. I am new to red-gate software. Thanks.


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