Backup failed..

One of the SQl backups failed last night, with the error below. There are 13 other database's on that server that all backed up without errors. Can anyone provide a clue as to what went wrong?
9/12/2007 1:02:51 AM: Backing up wslogdb61 (full database) to:
9/12/2007 1:02:51 AM:
9/12/2007 1:02:51 AM: BACKUP DATABASE [wslogdb61] TO DISK = 'D:\SQLServerBackups\Local\<database>\<AUTO>.sqb' WITH NAME = '<AUTO>', DESCRIPTION = '<AUTO>', VERIFY, ERASEFILES_ATSTART = 3, MAILTO = '', COMPRESSION = 1
9/12/2007 1:02:51 AM: Deleting old backup file:
9/12/2007 1:03:06 AM: Thread 0 error:
Error 620: Error writing to backup file(s).
9/12/2007 1:03:06 AM: Warning 210: Thread 0 warning:
Warning 210: Error writing to backup file:
Warning: System error (The parameter is incorrect) Processed 62880 pages for database 'wslogdb61', file 'wslogdb61' on file 1.
Processed 1 pages for database 'wslogdb61', file 'wslogdb61_Log.ldf' on file 1.
BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 62881 pages in 14.527 seconds (35.459 MB/sec).
I have checked the server event logs, and there are no unexpected error messages, disks have plenty off space.
One of the SQl backups failed last night, with the error below. There are 13 other database's on that server that all backed up without errors. Can anyone provide a clue as to what went wrong?
9/12/2007 1:02:51 AM: Backing up wslogdb61 (full database) to:
9/12/2007 1:02:51 AM:

9/12/2007 1:02:51 AM: BACKUP DATABASE [wslogdb61] TO DISK = 'D:\SQLServerBackups\Local\<database>\<AUTO>.sqb' WITH NAME = '<AUTO>', DESCRIPTION = '<AUTO>', VERIFY, ERASEFILES_ATSTART = 3, MAILTO = '', COMPRESSION = 1
9/12/2007 1:02:51 AM: Deleting old backup file:

9/12/2007 1:03:06 AM: Thread 0 error:
Error 620: Error writing to backup file(s).
9/12/2007 1:03:06 AM: Warning 210: Thread 0 warning:
Warning 210: Error writing to backup file:

Warning: System error (The parameter is incorrect) Processed 62880 pages for database 'wslogdb61', file 'wslogdb61' on file 1.
Processed 1 pages for database 'wslogdb61', file 'wslogdb61_Log.ldf' on file 1.
BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 62881 pages in 14.527 seconds (35.459 MB/sec).
I have checked the server event logs, and there are no unexpected error messages, disks have plenty off space.
I'd be interested to know whether the backup file had been created and how large it is. The parameter error message is coming from Windows and is a fairly generic IO message. So either the parameters to create the file don't work with whatever type of device is mapped to d:\, or the parameters specified for writing the file are wrong. The latter is highly unlikely if the file exists and has a size greater than 0.
The short of it is that I'd recommend running some diagnostics on the disk subsystem. (chkdsk, for instance). The writing parameters are unlikely to change in the middle of the backup operation.
I hope this helps.
This backup file was not created on that night, but has worked since. I have checked the disks and they all seem fine, no bad sectors etc.
SQL Backup was unable to create the file for an unknown reason. I can't really say because the file is created with no special flags on local disks.