Backup log failures - VDI 1010 Errors

I have begun getting these VDI 1010 Errors too.
These extracts show two consecutive failures to back up the log for the Calcs_Large database. There are four other databases failing as well. The databases before and after this one in the same job backed up successfully.
The log lists two errors. Which am I to believe? That it timed out, or that there is no current database backup? I can't believe that the same five databases, and only those five, would time out twice in a row on log backups separated by 6 hours. There are no other jobs running at the time of the backups.
Of the five failing databases I chose to cite this one as it has no significant usage during the work week.
Are there any circumstances where the product would invalidate a backup? How could I check to see if it has?
9/10/2007 6:00:26 AM: Backing up Calcs_Large (transaction log) to:
9/10/2007 6:00:26 AM: O:\BACKUP\LOG_(local)_Calcs_Large_20070910_060026.sqb
9/10/2007 6:00:58 AM: VDI error 1010: Failed to get configuration from server. Check that the SQL Server instance is running, and that you have the SQL Server Systems Administrator server role. Error code: (-2139684861: The api was waiting and the timeout interval had elapsed.)
9/10/2007 6:00:58 AM: SQL error 3013: BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally.
9/10/2007 6:00:58 AM: SQL error 4214: BACKUP LOG cannot be performed because there is no current database backup.
9/10/2007 6:00:58 AM:
9/10/2007 6:00:58 AM: Memory profile
9/10/2007 6:00:58 AM: Type Maximum Minimum Average Blk count Total
9/10/2007 6:00:58 AM:
9/10/2007 6:00:58 AM: Commit 34082816 4096 791313 3626 2869301248
9/10/2007 6:00:58 AM: Reserve 15839232 4096 85955 1498 128761856
9/10/2007 6:00:58 AM: Free 33198080 4096 491402 454 223096832
9/10/2007 6:00:58 AM: Private 34082816 4096 635741 4585 2914873344
9/10/2007 6:00:58 AM: Mapped 1060864 4096 119288 65 7753728
9/10/2007 6:00:58 AM: Image 24858624 4096 159147 474 75436032
9/10/2007 6:00:58 AM:
9/10/2007 12:00:25 PM: Backing up Calcs_Large (transaction log) to:
9/10/2007 12:00:25 PM: O:\BACKUP\LOG_(local)_Calcs_Large_20070910_120025.sqb
9/10/2007 12:00:56 PM: VDI error 1010: Failed to get configuration from server. Check that the SQL Server instance is running, and that you have the SQL Server Systems Administrator server role. Error code: (-2139684861: The api was waiting and the timeout interval had elapsed.)
9/10/2007 12:00:56 PM: SQL error 3013: BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally.
9/10/2007 12:00:56 PM: SQL error 4214: BACKUP LOG cannot be performed because there is no current database backup.
9/10/2007 12:00:56 PM:
9/10/2007 12:00:56 PM: Memory profile
9/10/2007 12:00:56 PM: Type Maximum Minimum Average Blk count Total
9/10/2007 12:00:56 PM:
9/10/2007 12:00:56 PM: Commit 34082816 4096 1004016 2918 2929721344
9/10/2007 12:00:56 PM: Reserve 15839232 4096 108433 685 74276864
9/10/2007 12:00:56 PM: Free 33243136 4096 532259 408 217161728
9/10/2007 12:00:56 PM: Private 34082816 4096 953266 3064 2920808448
9/10/2007 12:00:56 PM: Mapped 1060864 4096 119288 65 7753728
9/10/2007 12:00:56 PM: Image 24858624 4096 159147 474 75436032
9/10/2007 12:00:56 PM:
However, there was a successful backup and the file was still present on the local disk:
9/7/2007 12:59:45 AM: Backing up Calcs_Large (full database) to:
9/7/2007 12:59:45 AM: O:\Backup\FULL_(local)_Calcs_Large_20070907_005945.sqb
9/7/2007 12:59:45 AM: BACKUP DATABASE [Calcs_Large] TO DISK = 'O:\Backup\<AUTO>.sqb' WITH NAME = '<AUTO>', DESCRIPTION = '<AUTO>', COMPRESSION = 2, THREADCOUNT = 2
9/7/2007 1:24:47 AM: Database size : 32.865 GB
9/7/2007 1:24:47 AM: Compressed data size: 15.726 GB
9/7/2007 1:24:47 AM: Compression rate : 52.15%
Processed 4092808 pages for database 'Calcs_Large', file 'Calcs_Large' on file 1.
Processed 1 pages for database 'Calcs_Large', file 'Calcs_Large_log' on file 1.
BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 4092809 pages in 1501.139 seconds (22.335 MB/sec).
These extracts show two consecutive failures to back up the log for the Calcs_Large database. There are four other databases failing as well. The databases before and after this one in the same job backed up successfully.
The log lists two errors. Which am I to believe? That it timed out, or that there is no current database backup? I can't believe that the same five databases, and only those five, would time out twice in a row on log backups separated by 6 hours. There are no other jobs running at the time of the backups.
Of the five failing databases I chose to cite this one as it has no significant usage during the work week.
Are there any circumstances where the product would invalidate a backup? How could I check to see if it has?
9/10/2007 6:00:26 AM: Backing up Calcs_Large (transaction log) to:
9/10/2007 6:00:26 AM: O:\BACKUP\LOG_(local)_Calcs_Large_20070910_060026.sqb
9/10/2007 6:00:58 AM: VDI error 1010: Failed to get configuration from server. Check that the SQL Server instance is running, and that you have the SQL Server Systems Administrator server role. Error code: (-2139684861: The api was waiting and the timeout interval had elapsed.)
9/10/2007 6:00:58 AM: SQL error 3013: BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally.
9/10/2007 6:00:58 AM: SQL error 4214: BACKUP LOG cannot be performed because there is no current database backup.
9/10/2007 6:00:58 AM:
9/10/2007 6:00:58 AM: Memory profile
9/10/2007 6:00:58 AM: Type Maximum Minimum Average Blk count Total
9/10/2007 6:00:58 AM:
9/10/2007 6:00:58 AM: Commit 34082816 4096 791313 3626 2869301248
9/10/2007 6:00:58 AM: Reserve 15839232 4096 85955 1498 128761856
9/10/2007 6:00:58 AM: Free 33198080 4096 491402 454 223096832
9/10/2007 6:00:58 AM: Private 34082816 4096 635741 4585 2914873344
9/10/2007 6:00:58 AM: Mapped 1060864 4096 119288 65 7753728
9/10/2007 6:00:58 AM: Image 24858624 4096 159147 474 75436032
9/10/2007 6:00:58 AM:
9/10/2007 12:00:25 PM: Backing up Calcs_Large (transaction log) to:
9/10/2007 12:00:25 PM: O:\BACKUP\LOG_(local)_Calcs_Large_20070910_120025.sqb
9/10/2007 12:00:56 PM: VDI error 1010: Failed to get configuration from server. Check that the SQL Server instance is running, and that you have the SQL Server Systems Administrator server role. Error code: (-2139684861: The api was waiting and the timeout interval had elapsed.)
9/10/2007 12:00:56 PM: SQL error 3013: BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally.
9/10/2007 12:00:56 PM: SQL error 4214: BACKUP LOG cannot be performed because there is no current database backup.
9/10/2007 12:00:56 PM:
9/10/2007 12:00:56 PM: Memory profile
9/10/2007 12:00:56 PM: Type Maximum Minimum Average Blk count Total
9/10/2007 12:00:56 PM:
9/10/2007 12:00:56 PM: Commit 34082816 4096 1004016 2918 2929721344
9/10/2007 12:00:56 PM: Reserve 15839232 4096 108433 685 74276864
9/10/2007 12:00:56 PM: Free 33243136 4096 532259 408 217161728
9/10/2007 12:00:56 PM: Private 34082816 4096 953266 3064 2920808448
9/10/2007 12:00:56 PM: Mapped 1060864 4096 119288 65 7753728
9/10/2007 12:00:56 PM: Image 24858624 4096 159147 474 75436032
9/10/2007 12:00:56 PM:
However, there was a successful backup and the file was still present on the local disk:
9/7/2007 12:59:45 AM: Backing up Calcs_Large (full database) to:
9/7/2007 12:59:45 AM: O:\Backup\FULL_(local)_Calcs_Large_20070907_005945.sqb
9/7/2007 12:59:45 AM: BACKUP DATABASE [Calcs_Large] TO DISK = 'O:\Backup\<AUTO>.sqb' WITH NAME = '<AUTO>', DESCRIPTION = '<AUTO>', COMPRESSION = 2, THREADCOUNT = 2
9/7/2007 1:24:47 AM: Database size : 32.865 GB
9/7/2007 1:24:47 AM: Compressed data size: 15.726 GB
9/7/2007 1:24:47 AM: Compression rate : 52.15%
Processed 4092808 pages for database 'Calcs_Large', file 'Calcs_Large' on file 1.
Processed 1 pages for database 'Calcs_Large', file 'Calcs_Large_log' on file 1.
BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 4092809 pages in 1501.139 seconds (22.335 MB/sec).
Dave Rutledge
Database Administrator
SNL Financial LC
Database Administrator
SNL Financial LC
It appears the reason for the failure is because something has happened to the database between the 7th and the 10th that has broken the log chain, resulting in any log backup failing (because it would not be restorable).
If you have done any of the following, you need to make sure you take a full backup immediately afterwards, the log backups will then start working correctly again:
* Use the TRUNCATE_ONLY keyword to truncate the log.
* Switch from FULL or BULK-LOGGED recovery mode to SIMPLE (which will discard the log).
If that doesn't resolve the situation, let us know and we'll look into the situation further for you.
Database Administrator
SNL Financial LC
It would be very helpful if the product raised only the base exception and did not raise any higher level generic exceptions to confuse me. The only true exception it raised, but not too clearly, was that there was no current backup.
That was not entirely helpful (or true) as there was a current full backup, it was available, and it was not corrupt.
Database Administrator
SNL Financial LC