
Tagging rows to synchronize as in the DataCompare UI

bongheadbonghead Posts: 3
edited September 6, 2007 2:40PM in SQL Toolkit Previous Versions

I'm on the verge of finishing a data synchronization routine using the SQL Data Compare 5.2 engine.

We've got some rules that apply for deletion of rows. Only rows where a specific field equals a specific value should be updated. The database that is to be updated may have rows we want to keep, that doesn't exist in the "master" database.

In the UI I can select which rows to synchronize for each of the difference types. But I can't find any "selected" property or alike on the Rows objects in the TableDifference instance.

Any way to do tag the rows and get a "filtered" script from provider.GetMigrationSql()? Or should I use another approach?

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