Is Standard edition still available?

I'm just wondering what happened with the Standard edition?
Was it downgraded to Lite or still available for purchase?
Was it downgraded to Lite or still available for purchase?
We stopped selling the Standard license at the beginning of the month, and currently only the Lite or Professional versions are available for purchase.
Saying that, existing licenses (either 5.x standard, or 4.x standard with a support contract) will continue to function in "standard" mode. The GUI will behave exactly the same as before - the licenses will not be downgraded to a Lite license by the GUI.
Hope that helps,
Thanks for clarification. We don't currently have any licenses but are planning to buy some. Does it mean that in order to get such features as encryption, high compression level and Email notification that used to exist in Standard edition, now we would need to buy Pro?
That was the impression I was given, but the best people to ask on that would be the sales team - you can email them at and they will be able to give you a definitive answer on what they can offer.
Hope that helps,