Slow when moving carret through function name

Vista x86
I don't know whether i move a carret on function name, i.e.
SELECT dbo.SomeFunction(3)
When I place carret somewhere on SomeFunction, it chokes (takes a couple of seconds or so). It chokes also when I move carret around function name (i.e. selecting part of the name).
Vista x86
I don't know whether i move a carret on function name, i.e.
SELECT dbo.SomeFunction(3)
When I place carret somewhere on SomeFunction, it chokes (takes a couple of seconds or so). It chokes also when I move carret around function name (i.e. selecting part of the name).
Miha Markic [MVP C#, INETA Country Leader for Slovenia]
Righthand .net consulting and software development
Righthand .net consulting and software development
Does this happen on a 'clean' startup? e.g. Try starting up a fresh SSMS and opening a fresh query and inserting SELECT dbo.SomeFunction(3). Does this make it still choke as you described?
Red Gate Software
SELECT dbo[chokes1].[chokes2]FuntionName()
then almost each click on the FuncitonName produces a delay (choke).
Let me know if I can help somehow...
Righthand .net consulting and software development
I do not have this problem with the 3.1 version.
What's your CPU usage like when it "chokes"? Is SSMS/QA using much CPU time, or does it appear to be largely idle? At the moment I'm unsure what this might be. Also are you working with particularly large scripts? If so I'd direct you towards the information in the Tips and Troubleshooting sections of the web help (accessible via SQL Prompt > Help on your editor's main menu).
Principal Consultant Ltd
Thanks for your response.
My SQL-script is about 50-70 lines only. When I scroll down and the cursor hits a column name inside a select/insert/update statement, then it stops a short moment. The cpu goes up to 30-35%.
When the cursor hits a table name it stops 3-4 seconds and the cpu has a 15% spike.
After some more testing I found out that when I use table names like dbo.tabname I have the stop. When I remove the dbo. then I can scroll without the stops.
May be this helps you.
My PC: 3GhZ HT CPU, 1GB RAM, Win XP SP2 with all hotfixes and updates via Microsoft update.
Thanks for that. Here's a question for you. I'm guessing you have dbo access to the databases to which you connect, however I'm also thinking that perhaps you're not sa on the SQL Server instance in question? I'm not suggesting you should be, but I've been thinking about this issue this morning and I think there might be a bug in SQL Prompt that might cause it to repeatedly try to query the configured list of linked servers even if the initial query fails. This would explain the regular delays. At this stage it's just a thought and I've asked our testers to try to reproduce the issue using the security criteria I've outlined here.
So, does any of that sound like it makes sense? Also, if you're not working cross-database a good workaround for now would be to disable cross-database support. To do this go to SQL Prompt > Options, then go to the "Cross-Database Support" screen on the "Listed Candidates" tab, and uncheck "Enable cross-database and linked server support".
Principal Consultant Ltd
No I am not logged in as sa. I use intergrated security. I have admin rights in our sql-server. So, yes I have dbo access.
I am not working cross database, so I uncheck the option you mentioned. And now I have no stops anymore, even if there is dbo. in front of the tablename.
BTW. the same stops happened when a column name is preceeded by its table name (like tabname.columnname) . Unchecking the cross database support also lets the stops go away.
Thanks, your tip helps me a lot
Principal Consultant Ltd
Principal Consultant Ltd
Principal Consultant Ltd
I'd suggest you check out the 3.6 EA release which should hopefully fix your problems: ... php?t=5606
I'd really appreciate it if you could download it and let me know how it turns out. The reason is that we've still never reproduced the hang here, but as I said above I'm 99% sure I know what's causing it, so I've made some changes that should get rid of it. You may still experience a short pause the first time you type a '.', but that should be it.
Principal Consultant Ltd