SQL Toolkit version 6 released

Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1
edited July 11, 2007 5:30AM in SQL Toolkit Previous Versions
Red Gate is proud to announce the release of version 6 of SQL Toolkit. This version introduces new features to the SQLCompare Engine:

Message.SeverityComparer class evaluates severity of warnings/messages
Database.SaveToFolder method Saves the database as a set of creation scripts to the specified folder.
Database.LoadFromStream method Load a database from a System.IO.Stream object
Database.RetrieveCaseInformationFromLiveDatabase method returns true if the database in question is case-sensitive
Database.Register method is now overloaded. The new overload accepts a file path, ReadFromScriptDatabaseInformation class, and options. This allows reading in a schema from a folder full of scripts that have a .sql file extension:
           ReadFromScriptDatabaseInformation scriptInfo = new ReadFromScriptDatabaseInformation();
                scriptInfo.CaseSensitive = true;
                scriptInfo.DefaultOwner = "DBO";
                scriptInfo.SQLServerDBVersion = 90;

                widgetProductionScripts.Register(@"c:\widgetdevscripts", scriptInfo, Options.Default);
Note that setting scriptInfo as null will use default options.

Sample code is now available for Visual Studio 2005 and is available for download separately from our website, by clicking the appropriate link on the main page of the SQL Toolkit. This allows us to keep the examples more up-to-date.

The following bugs have also been addressed:
  • Data Compare samples raise LoaderLock warning on .NET2
  • Less-than-graceful handling of non-EMCA-compliant assemblies
  • Length or precision specification 0 is invalid when migrating CLR function with nvarchar(max)
  • Indexers on PartitionFunctions and PartitionSchemes collections return null after snapshot load
  • Assemblies which depend on each other are scripted in an incorrect order
  • SQL Compare reports CLR Procedure Parameters as nvarchar(0) instead of nvarchar(max)
  • IGNORE WITH ORDER having side effects
  • SQL Compare doesn't clean up its temp files
  • System.NullReferenceException in SQLCompare.Engine.BlobStore when viewing XML Schema Collection
  • Does not cancel during register for data compare
  • Error saving snapshot file
  • CLR Assemblies containing multiple files make sync fail
  • The SQL for orphaned windows users is incorrect
  • "CLR: Got ""Corrupt metadata tables header"" exception..."
  • SQL Compare does not detect extended properties on DRI defaults
  • Database could be IDisposable
This discussion has been closed.