MIRRORFILE not working as expected

When performing a backup with MIRRORFILE, the backup fails completly if it can not access the MIRRORFILE location...
The help file says the backup should still work as long as one of the files can be written, this isn't the case here, if the MIRRORFILE can't be writtern, then the local copy isn't writtern either.
SQL Backup log file
5/07/2007 1:32:04 p.m.: Backing up DATA (full database) to:
5/07/2007 1:32:04 p.m.: F:\sqlbackup\DATA\DATA_db_20070705133204.sqb
5/07/2007 1:32:04 p.m.: BACKUP DATABASE [DATA] TO DISK = 'F:\sqlbackup\DATA\DATA_db_<DATETIME yyyymmddhhnnss>.sqb' WITH NAME = '<AUTO>', DESCRIPTION = '<AUTO>', INIT, MIRRORFILE = '\\BACKUPSVR\DATA\DATA_db_<DATETIME yyyymmddhhnnss>.sqb', ERASEFILES = 12h, COMPRESSION = 2, THREADCOUNT = 2
5/07/2007 1:32:04 p.m.: Failed to create backup folder : \\BACKUPSVR\DATA
David Smith
When performing a backup with MIRRORFILE, the backup fails completly if it can not access the MIRRORFILE location...
The help file says the backup should still work as long as one of the files can be written, this isn't the case here, if the MIRRORFILE can't be writtern, then the local copy isn't writtern either.
SQL Backup log file
5/07/2007 1:32:04 p.m.: Backing up DATA (full database) to:
5/07/2007 1:32:04 p.m.: F:\sqlbackup\DATA\DATA_db_20070705133204.sqb
5/07/2007 1:32:04 p.m.: BACKUP DATABASE [DATA] TO DISK = 'F:\sqlbackup\DATA\DATA_db_<DATETIME yyyymmddhhnnss>.sqb' WITH NAME = '<AUTO>', DESCRIPTION = '<AUTO>', INIT, MIRRORFILE = '\\BACKUPSVR\DATA\DATA_db_<DATETIME yyyymmddhhnnss>.sqb', ERASEFILES = 12h, COMPRESSION = 2, THREADCOUNT = 2
5/07/2007 1:32:04 p.m.: Failed to create backup folder : \\BACKUPSVR\DATA
David Smith
I guess the workaround of making sure the mirror file location exists and it's possible to write to it, is pretty obvious.
I've logged this to fix in a future release
SQL Backup Project Manager
Red Gate Software
Yup pretty obvious. The mirroring ( with the compression ) is an awsome feature. We used to rely on the native backup tool in sql 7 ( just switched to 2005 in last week) and strugled with the 140Gb ( and growing) backup and being able to archive it to a backup server. Backup now all done in 3/4 hour verses 2+hours with the native tool and xcopy.
Is there a timeframe on the next release?