History of changes?

laurencerookslaurencerooks Posts: 28
edited June 26, 2007 10:11AM in SQL Doc Previous Versions
How do you either enable or view the history of changes in a sql object documented with SQL Doc? I am using a trial of SQL Doc 1 v1.2.0.29. I have documented my server, which won't allow me to change the name from local to the name of the server. I have made a change to a stored procedure within one of the databases documented. I have run SQL Doc again to document the server by using the following command line:

"C:\Program Files\Red Gate\SQL Doc 1\SQLDoc" /project:C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\TXXPW204\TXXPW204.sqldoc /force /verbose

I see the new stored procedure, but I don't see anything that tells me it is a new version. I'm trying to demo this to my boss as an alternative or compliment to the source control we currently are using. Does anyone have any ides or suggestions as to why I'm not seeing a history?



  • Hi Laurence,
    Please explain further
    which won't allow me to change the name from local to the name of the server.
    Currently SQL Doc does not show a history of changes to a sql object. SQL Doc is designed to compliment source control and not replace it.
    Have you checked out SQL Compare 6.0, it now supports comparing by scripts. This may help you in storing your schema in source contol.
    Hope that helps
    Best regards
    David Connell
  • 1. When I launch the application, it automatically defaults to local as the name of the SQL Server located on my workstation. The name is greyed out and doesn't allow me to change it to the actual name of the instance, which would be TXXPW204 in this case.

    2. Your data sheet on SQL Doc says the following:

    "When should I use SQL Doc?
    SQL Doc is a simple tool designed to document and export database schemas into HTML for many different tasks: a
    history of changes, QA purposes, dependency analysis and reporting."

    I'm not looking for it to replace my current source control. I'm looking for a way to display what I currently have within my source control. Per the PDF data sheet, we should be able to do that.

  • Hi Laurence
    SQL Doc by default opens the last project created. You can turn off this feature by going to Options from the Tool menu and unchecking "Open most recently used project on startup". If you create a new project you should be able to select a different SQL Server instance. I don't think SQL Doc allows you to change your server instance, only your authentication.

    I think that SQL Doc will only display what is available in the SQL Server Database, it does not link into your Source Control system.
    Hope that helps
  • Laurence - I've reviewed the content of the data sheet with respect to the 'history of changes' and agree that it's particularly unclear. It alludes to the benefit of using SQL Doc to create historic snapshots of your database that can be visually compared to understand the history of changes to an object - it cannot display a list of changes to a database object since this information is not stored within SQL Server. In a future release we could possibly identify objects that are new or have been modified since the last SQL Doc snapshot.

    It may be useful for you to look at the features offered by SQL Compare/Data Compare since these do offer a view of changes between two database versions?

    In the meantime, I will ask our marketing team to review this wording to improve clarity!!
    Nick Warren
    Head of Customer Support
    Red Gate Software

    e: nick.warren@red-gate.com
    t: +44 (0)870 160 0037
    w: www.red-gate.com
  • Thank you Nick. Just for clarity, I wasn't trying to find a replacement for our source control. I was trying to find a way to display it via a web interface so that my boss or anyone else who is interested doesn't have to have the source control software installed. I figured this would be able to do that.

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