SC 3 - Migrate database schema from SQL 2000 to SQL 7

Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1
edited September 14, 2004 8:50AM in Knowledge Base
Date: 14 Sep 2004
Affects versions: 3.x

In previous versions of SQL Compare, there was an option to create SQL 7 compatible scripts to filter out SQL 2000 specific features from the script so that it would not fail if running on SQL 7. In SQL Compare 3, this option was eliminated.

It is still possible to migrate a schema from SQL 2000 to SQL 7, however, by changing the settings in the Options in the Comparison menu to:

•Ignore collation order
•Ignore INSTEAD OF triggers
•Ignore Extended Properties

In addition, you might need to manually modify the scripts to remove references to, for example, ascending indexes and computed columns containing user-defined functions.
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