GUI Display in Professional Edition Questions

Two questions:
1. Is there a way to have the GUI display of monitored servers automatically refreshed at a specfied interval?
2. I have two workstations monitoring the same set of servers (one workstation for each data centre) and it appears that whenever I refresh the server display on one workstation, that same server develops a red 'x' on the display on the other workstation. Is this normal?
1. Is there a way to have the GUI display of monitored servers automatically refreshed at a specfied interval?
2. I have two workstations monitoring the same set of servers (one workstation for each data centre) and it appears that whenever I refresh the server display on one workstation, that same server develops a red 'x' on the display on the other workstation. Is this normal?
Unfortunately I have been unable to reproduce your fault symptoms where one monitoring workstation kicks out another monitoring workstation.
What is the OS and service pack level of each workstation?
Many Thanks
Eddie Davis
Red Gate Software Ltd
Technical Support Engineer
Senior Product Support Engineer
Redgate Software Ltd
I am not sure if the problem is that one monitoring workstation is kicking the other workstation off, or if the workstations simply periodically disconnect from the monitored servers.
Most mornings when I check the monitoring workstations, at least half, if not 3/4 of the monitored servers are showing as disconnected and I have to manually refresh the connection on each of them.
It turned out to be because each Server contained several DBs that had the AUTO_CLOSE option set to ON.
With this set ON, each DB is closed after the last user exist it. Everytime the database gets accessed it has to reopen and this can be a slow process.
I am guessing that SQL Backup will effectively try to reopen each database when it refreshes its connection to a server and so it takes a while to start them all up.
This can also cause Enterprise manager to be very slow when you try to expand the Databases node or even the drop down Database combobox in Query analyser seems to go slow if any of the DBs are set to AUTO CLOSE.
Have a look in the SQL Server Logs to see if you are getting many 'Starting up database xxxxx' messages...
I have a feeling that timeouts may place into this, but I am not sure what setting I would have to change.
So far, it only seems to be SQL Backup monitoring that times out. Everything else is working fine.
I will play with various timeout values to see what works best.
Oh boy.. I'm resurrecting a 2 yr old dead post. But I just hit this issue!
Why can't we have a simple REFRESH ALL connections option?