Encapsulate Scored Procedure Enhancement

bcpreecebcpreece Posts: 47
edited August 1, 2017 12:51PM in SQL Refactor Previous Versions
In my office we have a standard documentation header. It would be nice if you could set up a custom header for the stored procedure. It looks something like this.
* Routine Name: Procedure Name
* Purpose: What is the purpose of it
* Inputs: @intCollStatus int = 0, -- default = 0
	 @strOrderBy varchar(50) = 'ACCT_NO', -- default = ''
	 @intOrderByException int = 0, -- default = 0, 1 = Phones, 2 = SSN
	 @intWildCard int = 0,  -- 0 = no wildcard, 1 = wildcard
	 @strCriteria varchar(50) = ''	,
	 @intColHeaders int = 0
* Returns:  	None
* Revision History:
* Version	Date		Person			Description
* =======	=====		============		================
* 1.0.0		05/05/2006	Developer Name		Created this routine.
*1.0.0      04/19/2006   Developer Name		 cast account Number to varchar	


  • Eddie DEddie D Posts: 1,808 Rose Gold 5
    Thank you for your post into the forum.

    I will submit this feature request which will hopefully appear in a later version of SQL Refactor.

    Many thanks regarding your feedback on SQL Refactor.

    Eddie Davis
    Red Gate Software Ltd
    Technical Support Engineer
    Eddie Davis
    Senior Product Support Engineer
    Redgate Software Ltd
    Email: support@red-gate.com
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