Tables Obviously Different but SQL Compare says are the same

I have two tables in two different SQL 2005 databases that are obviously different but SQL Compare does not show them as different no matter how many times I refresh the compare. Columns were added to the source database that are not in the target. The file diff at the bottom shows the differences.
I have version The update says there are no updates.
I have version The update says there are no updates.
The only thing that springs instantly to mind that would cause this behaviour is that you have a different column order in your tables, but the same columns. If this is the case then enabling the "Force column order" in the "Project Configuration>Options>More Options" dialog will ensure that the top grid detects this as a difference.
Otherwise, if you can provide a script example of both the tables, and what options are you running with we can have a go at working out what is going wrong?
-Project Manager
-Red Gate Software Ltd