Service account selection during Installation
When installing Sql Backup 5.0 Pro on top of an existing Sql Backup 4.5 Pro installation, I was unable to define the user to run the service as. The computer is Windows 2003 Server (64 Bit) running Sql Server 2005 SP2 (64 bit).
The details ... during installation I got to the "Select Service Application Startup Account" screen and entered the same username and password as has been in use for Sql Backup 4.5. However, when I clicked Next, I got a dialog titled "Warning" saying "The account mydomain\dbadmin may not have the Log On As A Service right". I clicked OK and tried again; no luck. I also tried another domain user with sys admin and log on as a service privileges, but didn't work either. So, I switched to the "Built-in account" of "Local System" and was able to proceed.
After the installation finished, I went into the Services list and manually changed the "Log On As" user for the "Sql Backup Agent" service to my desired username (i.e. mydomain\dbadmin). I then stopped & restarted the service, and all is now fine.
The details ... during installation I got to the "Select Service Application Startup Account" screen and entered the same username and password as has been in use for Sql Backup 4.5. However, when I clicked Next, I got a dialog titled "Warning" saying "The account mydomain\dbadmin may not have the Log On As A Service right". I clicked OK and tried again; no luck. I also tried another domain user with sys admin and log on as a service privileges, but didn't work either. So, I switched to the "Built-in account" of "Local System" and was able to proceed.
After the installation finished, I went into the Services list and manually changed the "Log On As" user for the "Sql Backup Agent" service to my desired username (i.e. mydomain\dbadmin). I then stopped & restarted the service, and all is now fine.
Sorry you have hit this problem and I'm glad you found a work around, we will be looking into this today to try and understand what is going wrong.
Thanks for the heads up,
- James
Head of DBA Tools
Red Gate Software Ltd
The important thing to remember here is the account is still set up and the permissions are still there.
You can confirm this in the SQL Configuration Manager, right click the properties for SQL Agent. Your service account should be listed there.
If you can restart SQL Agent, then you know the install did not really 'break' anything, it is just that the mapping to the service account isn't working.
Do the workaround, you should be OK>
Randy Volters
Randy Volters
We have tried reproducing this here and can't get this to happen, could you let me know the answers to the following questions please?
Are you (the installer) a local admin, domain admin or standard user - is it a domain account or a local account? Similarly for the SQL Backup Agent user, SQL Server user and SQL Agent User? Are the accounts above the same account (installer, backup agent ...) or different accounts? Are SQL Server and SQL Backup running as the same account? Do you have multiple instances per machine? Are you running SQL 2000, SQL 2005 or both?
Hopefully we can reproduce this here and get this fixed,Sorry for the problems you are hitting,
- James
Head of DBA Tools
Red Gate Software Ltd
Trying to install on 2003 32-bit and onto sql 2000 sp3
1. My account (Installer) is a domain account (standard user), with local admin on the dB server.
2. Backup, sql server and agent account, is the same domain account, stardard user on domain and local dB server
3. Installer and Backup accounts are different
4. SQL server and Backup are the same account
5. yes, but single default instance that gave the problem
6. sql 2000
I will try a few more installs and see if the result is the same (as we do have 2005 boxes and some x64 versions as well)
I did get around the issue by doing a "local System" install and then changing the service account afterwards
Win 2003 x64
sql server 2005 Enterprise x64
> I am the DOMAIN Administrator, as well as the LOCAL Administrator.
Similarly for the SQL Backup Agent user, SQL Server user and SQL Agent User?
> The service account is a member of both LOCAL and DOMAIN Administrators. Additionally, because we config'd SQL Server to use AWE, there is a group policy entry that permits this account to Lock Pages in Memory. (I posted about this in SQL Backup 4).
Are the accounts above the same account (installer, backup agent ...) or different accounts?
> Different. I, as Administrator, installed the product. The account that runs SQL Backup is a an account that was assigned to run as the service account for SQL Agent.
Are SQL Server and SQL Backup running as the same account?
> Almost correct - SQL Server, SQL Agent & SQL Backup are running under the same service account.
Do you have multiple instances per machine?
> NO, single instance.
Are you running SQL 2000, SQL 2005 or both?
> SQL Server 2005.
Randy Volters
rather than
I think we might have reproduced it here - I just want to check that it is the same problem as you are having.
- James
Head of DBA Tools
Red Gate Software Ltd
Randy Volters
Yes, I was using the <domain>\<username> syntax to install. From the additional responses, it appears your installer is expecting <Username>@<domain>
It seems this is indeed the issue you are all hitting, we will get it fixed (if possible) for the patch release in a month or two - for now (and for anyone else reading this thread) there are two work arounds:
Install as a Local System and then change the account logon via the services snapin Use the format <username>@<domain>
Thanks for all your help,- James
Head of DBA Tools
Red Gate Software Ltd
note I did not uninstall 4.6 over it, I just went and installed 5 straight
The extended stored procedure file(xp_sqlbackup.dll) that exists is an earlier version. Check that you have rights to overwrite the existing file, and run the installation again.
Setup failed to check that the SQL Backup extended stored procedures were installed.