FieldMapping Not Valid For Matching Mappings..
Posts: 30
I am about to go nuts here because I cannot figure out why this statement should not work!
I get "FieldMapping Not Valid For Matching Mapping" on the line
I get "FieldMapping Not Valid For Matching Mapping" on the line
Sub SyncDatabases(ByVal sServerName As String) ' ' Redgate Declarations ' Dim dSourceDatabase As New RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.Database Dim dTargetDatabase As New RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.Database Dim oTBLMap As New RedGate.SQLDataCompare.Engine.TableMappings Dim oTBLMapping As RedGate.SQLDataCompare.Engine.TableMapping Dim oRedGateSession As New RedGate.SQLDataCompare.Engine.ComparisonSession ' ' VB.Net SQL Declarations ' Dim oProvider As New SqlProvider Dim myConnString As String = "User Id=lvadmin;Password=lvadmin;Initial Catalog=Labelsync;Server=" & sServerName Dim mySelectQuery As String = "SELECT SourceDB,TargetDB,TBLToCompare,Fields,ComparisonType FROM Tables_To_Compare Where (Active=1) Order By ComparisonOrder" Dim myConnection As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(myConnString) Dim myCommand As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(mySelectQuery, myConnection) Dim myReader As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader ' ' Misc Declarations ' Dim I As Integer Dim aFields As String() ' ' Connection and statements To Setup DBReader ' ' We will read a table that has the following fields ' ' SourceDB - The 'master' database ' TargetDB - The 'Target' database ' tblToCompare - The Database Table To Compare ' Fields - Fields To Map, Comma Delimited IE: Top Level Assy Number, Plant Code, MFG_ID1 ' ComparisonType - VT,TT ' Try myConnection.Open() myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader() While myReader.Read ' ' All Databases will use lvadmin for userid and password ' dSourceDatabase.RegisterForDataCompare(New ConnectionProperties(sServerName, myReader("SourceDB").ToString, "lvadmin", "lvadmin")) dTargetDatabase.RegisterForDataCompare(New ConnectionProperties(sServerName, myReader("TargetDB").ToString, "lvadmin", "lvadmin")) ' ' Setup Our Mappings ' ' VT Means Compare a VIEW to a TABLE ' TT Means Compare a TABLE to a TABLE ' Select Case myReader("ComparisonType").ToString.Trim.ToUpper Case "VT" : oTBLMapping = oTBLMap.Join(dSourceDatabase.Views("[dbo].[" + myReader("tblToCompare").ToString.Trim + "]"), dTargetDatabase.Tables("[dbo].[" + myReader("tblToCompare").ToString.Trim + "]")) Case "TT" : oTBLMapping = oTBLMap.Join(dSourceDatabase.Tables("[dbo].[" + myReader("tblToCompare").ToString.Trim + "]"), dTargetDatabase.Tables("[dbo].[" + myReader("tblToCompare").ToString.Trim + "]")) End Select ' ' Retrieve Our Field Names ' aFields = Split(myReader("Fields").ToString, ",") ' ' Clear Out Old Comparisons ' oTBLMapping.MatchingMappings.Clear() ' ' Setup Our Comparison Fields Based On The Field Names Now Present In The Array ' For I = LBound(aFields) To UBound(aFields) oTBLMapping.MatchingMappings.Add(oTBLMapping.FieldMappings(aFields(I).ToString.Trim.ToUpper)) Next ' ' Refresh Our Mappings ' oTBLMapping.RefreshMappingStatus() ' ' Setup our comparison session ' oRedGateSession.CompareDatabases(dSourceDatabase, dTargetDatabase, oTBLMap) ' Dim oBlock As ExecutionBlock = oProvider.GetMigrationSQL(oRedGateSession, True) End While Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) Finally myReader.Close() myConnection.Close() End Try End Sub
1) The fieldmapping you're using isn't in both databases (i.e. not Success)
2) The type of the field is one of the following...
Hope this helps
PS I've also seen you noticed the fully qualified accessor from your other query
Project Manager
Red Gate Software Ltd
However, I now get a NEW error:
Mappings Only Supports Mapping Objects
Parameter Name:Value
This occurs on the same line and occurs after (hopefully) setting the mapping up for the first column. I verified that the column name I am trying to map is in both tables and is of the same type (nvarchar(50))
This occurs on the same line and occurs after (hopefully) setting the mapping up for the first column
What I mean to say is the code goes through the first column name (which is an nvarchar(12) ) WITHOUT an error and then goes to the SECOND column name which is where the error occurs.
Project Manager
Red Gate Software Ltd
I then opened SQL Data Compare and setup my project to insure it would work. The data transferred without an issue so the names of the tables match.
However when I try to do this programmatically I get the error.
One more interesting caveat. I found three columns that do not give an error so I ran the project and allowed it to map those three columns only.
The next error message is:
The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "[MySecretServerName]" reported an error. Authentication failed.
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "[MySecretServerName]".
What I have done is setup an access database as a linked server and then created a SQL table with views in it that reference the linked server.
Your redgate Data Compare will use these views and thus allow me to sync an access table with a SQL table.
Project Manager
Red Gate Software Ltd