ANSI NULLS on Tables

I can't seem to find in the product where you can have if ANSI NULLS were enabled for a table. We recently ran into a problem where when the script was run it was not noted the mode and SQL Compare did not detect the differences. If this is a setting, what is it, otherwise please add that to a feature request.
Having a brief look at this, ANSI NULL is a connection setting. If ANSI NULLS was set when the table was created, you would get ANSI-Style NULLS in the data, from what I understand. I cannot, however, figure out where SQL Server actually stores this information. I'd need to ask the developers if it is possible to detect the ANSI NULLS setting on an existing table. I suspect this is 'hidden' in SQL Server somewhere, but if it is not possible to retrieve this value, it may not be possible to support.
select type, name, objectproperty( object_id(name),'IsAnsiNullsOn') IsAnsiNullsOn, objectproperty( object_id(name),'ExecIsAnsiNullsOn') ExecIsAnsiNullsOn
from sysobjects
-- Exclude types for which these properties don't apply
where type not in ('C', 'D', 'F', 'K')
order by type, name