Unable to Install SQL Reflactor

I am trying to install sql reflector. I fulfill all requirements - .NET 2.0,Sql server management studio,MDAC 2.8+ etc. I am having windows xp Prof on my machine. when i am trying to run Installer set up file it stays "SQL server management studio" required for SQL reflector even though i have installed it. I restarted my machine but same problem. I am using following set up file version downloaded from web site for sql reflector. what else i am missing for installation ?
SQL Reflector Set up file Version :
SQL Reflector Set up file Version :
Can I confirm that you have the full version of SQL Server Management Studio installed and not the express edition? As SQL Refactor does not support Management Studion Express at the current time.
-Project Manager
-Red Gate Software Ltd
You are right i have installed Express edition but could not found "SQL Server Management Studio" alone.Would please Provide link to download it ?
I believe the full version of SQL Server Management Studio is only available to download via the MSDN subscription, which has it own download agent that I am afriad I cannot link via.
-Project Manager
-Red Gate Software Ltd
Is the problem that SQL Refactor will not work with the Express edition or is the problem that the installer is enforcing that a full version be their as one of it prerequisites.
The reason I am asking is because when I installed one of the other tools, it automatically detected that Express was running and installed the "Extensibility for SQL Server Express". Since this is already installed wouldn't SQL Refactor work, if the installer permitted it???
Unfortunately the SQL Prompt team carried out the work required to support SSSMS Express to late for us to include it in SQL Refactor v1.1. SQL Refactor will not work with SSMS Express even if the SQL Prompt add-in is installed. This is why the installer will prevent installation if the full version of SSMS is not installed on your machine.
We would hope to be able to support SSMS Express in a future version of SQL Refactor, however I cannot give you a release date for this at the moment.
Kind regards,
-Project Manager
-Red Gate Software Ltd
Can anyone describe where on the msdn subscriber site you can get the full version of SSMS that will load on a workstation?