Export Comparison results error message

seggermanseggerman Posts: 3
edited March 28, 2007 2:41PM in SQL Compare Previous Versions
same problem as dbuckle did last year
I turned off virus scan and deleted temporary files
problem didn't go away :evil:

"Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 5:50 am Post subject: Export Comparison Results error message


I'm getting the following error message after clicking "Export...":

Unable to generate html report. The process cannot access the file "C:\DOCUME~1\dbuckle\LOCALS~1\Temp\RedGate\87ca23aa-3782-4df8-8f7d-2fdd11d2dfae". because it is being used by another process.

I get the same error for any type of export.

Any ideas/suggestions?

Much appreciated,


I am getting the same error as dbuckle did


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