Identity column comparison

Is it possible to configure a project such that a table can be compared on it's Identity column but then have that column excluded from the generated synch script?
I want to compare two databases to generate an update script for a third but am not interested in the IDs used for the primary key in the 3rd database in specific tables.
If I exclude Identity Columns in the Project Options I appear unable to define the remaining columns for comparison.
I want to compare two databases to generate an update script for a third but am not interested in the IDs used for the primary key in the 3rd database in specific tables.
If I exclude Identity Columns in the Project Options I appear unable to define the remaining columns for comparison.
From what I understand, the problem is that Data Compare always uses the comparison key to match rows of data. For instance, if you compared a table in two databases that turned out to be different, the resulting script would look like
UPDATE table set column=value WHERE identity=x
So the identity column, which I'm assuming is also your comparison key, must use the same values in both databases in order for Data Compare to work properly.
The thing is, I do want to use the identity column to identify the differences between 2 tables (under my control e.g. v1 and v2) but when the Synch script is generated I just want to add the rows that were identified as being new to a 3rd table (end user v1 to take them to level v2).
Basically, I need to ensure that a customer's table contains certain rows but I don't care what their Identity columns are and the customer may have added values of their own to that table.
The only other way I could see of doing this would be to ignore the identity column completely and compare the other columns to identify the differences but I don't appear to be able to do this.
Any suggestions on how I could get round this?
Hope this helps.
Project Manager
Red Gate Software Ltd