Support for Drop If Exists

The following topic was locked, but I don't see where there is any resolution to the issue. Is this going to be added to the product any time soon? ... 6b5e75fd79 ... 6b5e75fd79
Apologies for the lack of resolution to your particular problem.
The script that SQL Compare generates is currently designed to be run on a schema which is identical to the one it was generated with.
However, your situation is not unique and we recognise that there is a problem here to be solved. There are many reported cases of scripts being unable to run adquately due to subtly different target databases. Although this isn't on SQL Compare's roadmap currently, we are definitely at ways to solve this problem. Would it help you if we could perform the comparison and synchronization at "upgrade time" rather than generating (and therefore hardcoding) the script in advance?
Feel free to email me directly on David dot Atkinson at Red-gate dot com if you have any specific queries.
David Atkinson
Product Manager
Red Gate Software
Product Manager
Redgate Software
DropAndCreate TABLE
CreateOrAlter PROC
Since Microsoft don't implement this, I would like to see Red Gate to spoof it in in their scripts.