Error while registering Databases

bkuzmabkuzma Posts: 3
edited February 16, 2007 9:02AM in SQL Compare Previous Versions
This error just started occuring, and I'm not quite sure why.

When running a comparison job, it will get to the "Reading Permissions" stage of "Registering Databases", then pause at 65%.

After a minute or so, it will produce the following error: "ExecuteReader requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is Closed"

This comparison job used to work without a problem. Any assistance is appreciated.


  • Digging a litte deeper...

    The SQL Compare software issues this query:

    SELECT AS name,
    c.asymmetric_key_id as id, AS owner,
    c.thumbprint AS ThumbPrint,
    c.algorithm AS EncryptionAlgorithm,
    c.pvt_key_encryption_type as EncryptionType,
    c.key_length AS KeyLength
    FROM sys.asymmetric_keys c
    LEFT JOIN sys.database_principals p WITH (NOLOCK) ON p.principal_id=c.principal_id

    In the process activity monitor, the process shows "AWAITING COMMAND"
  • bkuzma,

    Can I ask what permissions you have in the databases? You are sa or dbo?


    Jonathan Watts

    -Project Manager
    -Red Gate Software Ltd
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