Where can RedGate.SQL.Shared.SQLServer be found


i'm using SqlCompare toolkit programatically, and i was about to use RedGate.SQL.Shared.SQLServer which, according to The SQL Comparison and Synchrosnization Toolkit, can be found in RedGate.SQL.Shared.dll assembly.
Unfortunatly, when referencing this assembly in my Visual Studio project , the required class doesn't appear in the namespace, neither in the object explorer.

What am I missing ?? Can anyone help me in resolving this issue.

Best regards,


Environment :
* VS2005,
* SqlBundle 5 (SQL Tools Shared Library, SQL Compare[/list]


  • Hi Damien,
    It appears that you have found an error in our documentation. :oops:

    Thank you for bringing it to our attention. I will make sure that it gets fed back into the documentation process.

    I hope you didn't spend too much time trying to find the SQL Server class.

    Kind regards

  • What a shame...

    Is there a way to parse a server Database collection with a managed RedGate class, or should i still run queries over sysdatabases or use sqldmo ?


  • I am not aware of a managed RedGate class that is available to achieve this. I think you will have to revert to sysdatabases or sqldmo.

    I'm sorry that I couldn't provide you with a better suggestion.


  • Hi there,

    I guess this should really be under the toolkit forum, but i'll answer it here anyway. The class you are trying to use is public in the RedGate.SQL.Shared.dll, but we did not intend it to be used by toolkit customers. To that end we added the [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] attribute to the class. This stops it appearing in intellisense and object browsers in VS.NET.

    To get a feel for the class open up the dll in .NET Reflector. The API is pretty clear and can be used to get lists of databases for a given server.


    Tom Harris

    Red Gate Software
  • Hi Tom,

    Many thanks for your response.
    I finally choose to use SMO to achieve the job i have to do, it's feature will cover my needs.

    Best regards,

  • Tom Harris wrote:
    ...The class you are trying to use is public in the RedGate.SQL.Shared.dll, but we did not intend it to be used by toolkit customers. To that end we added the [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] attribute to the class. This stops it appearing in intellisense and object browsers in VS.NET.

    To get a feel for the class open up the dll in .NET Reflector. The API is pretty clear and can be used to get lists of databases for a given server.


    I am confused right now... "Note the use of IntelliSense when you are writing code." this is recommended in "Using Red Gate Api's" walk-through on RedGate web pages...
    My question is, what Red Gate product I need to purchase to have this(and others needed for Compare, Data Compare) dll with EditorBrowsableState active since it would save me a lot of time programming my application?

    Thank You.
  • Hi,

    all the public classes that we intended to be used by toolkit developers do have intellisense help and complete API documentation. However, the dlls do contain other classes that are not intended for tookit development, but support our tools (e.g SQL Compare user interface). These classes are not documented/supported/tested.


  • This assembly still exists but seems to be obsolete. The old code (still works!) is to reference the Utils.GetDatabases(....) for example.
    string[] databaseArray = Utils.GetDatabases(serverName, true,"", "", true);

    In the intellisense note, it states to use the Shared.SQLServer assemblies, will their be an update for this?
    Josh Crosby
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