Couldn't log on as the ASPNET user [1385]

Hi Reuben,
The answer's about 10 threads down from this one! Basically, you need to
give your ASPNET user the 'Log on as a batch job' user right in your local
security policy so ANTS Profiler can start and stop IIS.
Brian Donahue
Red Gate Technical Support
"Reuben Soto" <> wrote in message
> Hello-
> I'm trying to start profiling for the first time (just downloaded and
> installed the ANTS Profiler) and it doesn't want to start up. I get an
> box with the following text:
> "There was a problem starting the profiler. Check that the ANTS profiler
> service and IIS are running. Couldn't log on as the ASPNT user [1385]
> Please check the event log for more details."
> My current project settings are as follows:
> "I want to profile all web sites and web services" is selected.
> "Do the following to run a test harness for the application being
> is NOT checked.
> "Start taking measurements immediately"
> Can anybody help?
The answer's about 10 threads down from this one! Basically, you need to
give your ASPNET user the 'Log on as a batch job' user right in your local
security policy so ANTS Profiler can start and stop IIS.
Brian Donahue
Red Gate Technical Support
"Reuben Soto" <> wrote in message
> Hello-
> I'm trying to start profiling for the first time (just downloaded and
> installed the ANTS Profiler) and it doesn't want to start up. I get an
> box with the following text:
> "There was a problem starting the profiler. Check that the ANTS profiler
> service and IIS are running. Couldn't log on as the ASPNT user [1385]
> Please check the event log for more details."
> My current project settings are as follows:
> "I want to profile all web sites and web services" is selected.
> "Do the following to run a test harness for the application being
> is NOT checked.
> "Start taking measurements immediately"
> Can anybody help?
This discussion has been closed.