Incorrect marking of unused cursor variable

The following procedure is poor code because it is better to declare a cursor without using a separately declared cursor variable. But, it does compile and execute correctly. The problem is that "Find Unused Variables and Parameters" marks @cursor_name as unused.
CREATE proc p_common_columns_list @other_schema sysname, @table_name sysname , @Context varchar(4) = '', @length_limit int = 7000 , @columns varchar(8000) output AS -- SEE Also: dbo.WhatColumns() --Passes back the column names that are in a table in both schemas --in the correct order, separated by commas. --Can be given a context. --Sample output if a context of 'sp' is given. --sp.Column1, sp.Column2, sp.Column3 --Sample output if a context is ''. --Column1, Column2, Column3 -- SEE ALSO: dbo.safe_columns_list --Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 GetronicsWang Co., LLC. All rights reserved. --18Jun02 Bodhi - as procedure --03Dec02 - Use syscolumns instead of information_schema.columns to support catalog tables. set nocount on declare @Columns_temp as sysname declare @Cursor_Name as cursor declare @id int create table #t (column_name sysname not null) set @id = object_id(@table_name) If @id is null Begin set @Columns = 'Invalid object Name '+@table_Name drop table #t return -1 End insert into #t exec dbo.list_common_columns @other_schema, @table_name set @Cursor_Name = cursor FAST_FORWARD for select C.Name+', ' from dbo.syscolumns C where id = @id and (not Type = 34) and (not Type = 35) -- data_Type not in ('text', 'ntext', 'image') -- not useful in unions and exists (select 1 from #t where #t.column_Name = C.Name) order by colid set @Columns = '' open @Cursor_Name fetch next from @Cursor_Name into @Columns_temp --I used multiple While statements in the interest of speed If (@Context = '') While (len(@columns) <= @length_limit) and (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) Begin set @Columns = @Columns+@Columns_temp fetch next from @Cursor_Name into @Columns_temp End Else While (len(@columns) <= @length_limit) and (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) Begin set @Columns = @Columns+@Context+'.'+@Columns_temp fetch next from @Cursor_Name into @Columns_temp End Deallocate @Cursor_Name drop table #t if @columns > '' set @columns = left(@Columns,len(@Columns)-1) return 0 go if 1 is null begin declare @clist varchar(4000) exec dbo.p_common_columns_list 'Globalfs_Archive','dtproperties', '', 400, @columns = @clist out print @clist end go
I'll admit there are some known issues in the 'find unused variables' function of refactor, especially when it comes to code containing cursors. This will be addressed in a future version.