Unable to create report from Command Line

odellwodellw Posts: 2
edited December 6, 2006 12:41PM in SQL Compare Previous Versions
It seems to be working now, once I piped the the output to a text file.

When running from the command line I recieve the following error:
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

The command I am using is as follows"

sqlcompare /database1:TSysBB /database2:TSysBB /s1:tlab5 & /username1:sa /s2:TLAB5\TSYSTEM /username2/sa /options:Default /ecxlude:ROle /reportrtype:SImple:c:\test1.html

It does the compare correctly but it is not generating a report.

I am using SQLCOMPARE version

Thanks for any insight


  • Hi there

    Ah, I think the problem is that you need to specify the report file and the report type separately. Something the below should be ok:
    sqlcompare /database1:pubs /database2:northwind /s1:(local) /s2:(local) /options:Default /exclude:Role /reporttype:Simple /report:c:\test1.html

    Let us know if you have any more trouble.


    Jonathan Watts

    -Project Manager
    -Red Gate Software Ltd
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