Script Compilation Errors

tonymaynardsmithtonymaynardsmith Posts: 7
edited December 30, 2006 4:04PM in ANTS Load script tester
I get a script compilation error talking about a Null reference when I include the lines:


Over to you.

Regards, Tony.


  • Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1
    Hi Tony,

    I'll look into supporting this. The problem is that the HttpRequest and HttpResponse objects are 'fakes' in script tester. I don't think I supported the 'inherited' methods like ToString and Headers["something"].
  • Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1
    This should be fixed now. Thanks for pointing it out.

    The Headers object now acts like a WebHeaderCollection object, so you can get request headers by name from your ANTS Load script.

    I've also added a few enhancements
    • Percentage complete
    • HTTP error report
    • UI things (window resizing, control updating)
    • Added Imports to the script so VB Constants such as vbCrLf work
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