
Line is too long???

AdamLAdamL Posts: 13
edited November 17, 2006 10:22AM in ANTS Load
I have recorded about 15 Scripts the first error I recieve when running my project is that line x is too long. I find this very funny considering Ants Load was the program to generate the script. Is this something that I am really going to have to manually go though every single line that is too long and change.

There has to be a better way I cant believe that this issue was not taken into consideration during product creation ???

Please Help :?:


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    Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1
    Hi Adam,

    This could be happening in the event that you had recorded a file upload. The scripting method for handling the multipart/form-data posts was done as a hotfix and hasn't been sufficiently tested. If you script a file upload and the file is a few MB, it is Base64 encoded and added to the script. This is not an ideal solution, as it should really add the file as a resource in the project and read it with a resource reader to prevent this. But development time allowed didn't permit us to implement this way.

    What you can probably do is locate this line, hit RETURN on it, and append the next line:
    -becomes -
    abcdef016782476BD" & _
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    Ok thank you this seems to work, I just wish that this issue was handled automatically by the program generating the scripts in this case Ants Load. But this solution seems to work fine.

    Thanks Again,

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    This is the correct method sorry Brian the above does not work :roll:



    "asdfasdfasdf" _
    + "asdfasdfasf"
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    Hi Adam,

    It should work either way in VB .NET. But maybe the continuation _ and then the ampersand on the next line works.
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