
The one key feature that would make me buy it immediately is partition refactoring. Not saying the current feature set is not good (far from it), but partition refactoring would be a killer enterprise feature.
Hi Eric,
I will save your request for future releases. Note, that if you would like to change partitions (i.e. change the boundaries, left/right includion of boundaries, filegroups for partitions) there is a workaround with SQL Compare. You set up a table with the same name in an empty database, and partition this table in the way you wish. You can use SQL Compare to generate a migration script. If you have many dependents, it might be worth to copy the schema with SQL Compare to the empty database, and then partition the table. Since in this database there is no data, partitioning is cheap. Then SQL Compare can generate a script that alters that partitioning, and the script can be used on the source database. This will preserve data and change the partitioning. Of course this workaround is not a replacement for a refactoring, so we will consider it in future versions.
Red Gate Software Ltd.