Droping constraint for related table.
Posts: 46
I'm having a problem where I have one table that has changed data and it's related to another table which does not have changed data. When the script is generated the tables with changed data are added into the script with the appropriate drop constaint statements. The problem that I have is that there is no drop constraint being created for the table which does not have changed data. The table with changed data is referenced by the table which does not have changed data. So the constraint from the non-changed table which points at the changed table needs to be dropped, but since the non-changed table is not included in the script the constraint is not being dropped.
How can I fix this.
How can I fix this.
Thanks for asking. SQL Data Compare can potentially drop foreign keys and primary keys for the duration of a data synchronization, provided the 'disable foreign keys', 'disable primary keys', and possibly even 'disable triggers' option is set.
In older versions of Data Compare, this action would only take place on the tables being synchronized, and not in the case where the foreign key had been created on a table that is not included in the synchronization. That should have been addressed in version 5.2.
Are you using version 5.2?
I'm using version and have the following options set.
Checked: Disable foreign keys
Checked: Drop primary keys, indexes, and unique constraints
Checked: Use transactions in SQL scripts
I do not have Disable DDL triggers checked.
Is there anything that I should change?
Just to verify, what error message do you get when you run the synchronization script?
The following error message was returned from the SQL Server:
[3725] The constraint 'PK_CustomerOrder' is being referenced by table 'EmployeeCommissionShare', foreign key constraint 'FK_EmployeeCommissionShare_CustomerOrder'.
Could not drop constraint. See previous errors.
If I now remove this constraint manually and re-run the script it works.
This looks like a problem in the engine of SQL Data Compare. I'm surprised it has taken this long for anybody to find it.
I wonder what would happen if you unchecked the 'Drop primary keys...' option. Presumably you have it turned on for a reason.
Hope this explains things at least.
Project Manager
Red Gate Software Ltd
Yes it would have something to do with the problem. Perhaps if you used SQL Compare to compare the schema of the tables in both databases there may be a problem with your primary key on one side. I can't think of any reason why the primary key wouldn't be picked up. Have you changed the comparison key on purpose or does PK_CustomerOrder simply not appear
in the selection list?
That perhaps is why Data Compare is attempting to drop the foreign key as it may be having problems recognising the primary key.
It's a possibility.
(If you don't have a valid license for SQL Compare and your trial has run out get in contact with me via a private message and I'll give you a trial extension for it so we can get to the bottom of this).
*curious now*
Project Manager
Red Gate Software Ltd