Collapse / Expand SQL differences

mulmadmulmad Posts: 94
edited February 22, 2007 11:32PM in SQL Compare Previous Versions
I'd like to have an option to "expand / collapse all" and "invert expansion state" in the "SQL differences" area of the selected object. This way its faster to spot where the differences are (when "View T-SQL in groups" is selected).


  • Eddie DEddie D Posts: 1,808 Rose Gold 5
    Hi Mulmad

    Thank you for your post.

    I have passed on your suggestion or request onto the Red Gate Development Team.

    Your request may appear in a future version of the software but I can not guarantee that your request will be accepted. If your request is accepted I cannot giveyou any time scales as to when it will appear in a future release of the software.

    Many Thanks
    Eddie Davis
    Senior Product Support Engineer
    Redgate Software Ltd
  • Mulmad,

    In SQL Compare 5.3.0, if you right click on the header of the SQL Differences panel there is an expand all / collapse all menu. Hope this is what you were after.

    Also there is an internal debate going on at Red Gate as to the usefulness View T-SQL in groups feature. What do you use the grouping bars in the SQL Differences panel for?


    Jonathan Watts

    -Project Manager
    -Red Gate Software Ltd
  • Personally i find the view in groups to be great. And the tip on how to collapse/expand all is good as well. I find it very useful to identify that the actual object is identical, and the difference actually lies in the permission or constraint section (usually fillfactor).

    I dont like to have many "ignore" settings on as i like things to be as identical as possible - even fillfactors and so on

    I would be devastated if the show in groups function was deleted

    And ill also take this opportunity to pimp the suggestion of having "jump to next/prev" difference buttons, to save scrolling through all of the code to find the difference. Any decent difference tool has this functionality!
  • rgribble,

    Thanks for the feedback, we have since resolved the debate: and you will be pleased to hear the grouping bars are staying. I cannot say much about what will be in the new version, but we will run a beta programme before the final release, so that everyone can have their say.


    Jonathan Watts

    -Project Manager
    -Red Gate Software Ltd
  • Jonathan, I also prefer groups, but am interested in only expanding those that are not the same. I know you can do them individually, but it's a pain as the groups that differ change from object to object. It' also a pain adjusting the depth of the SQL Difference panel.

    I would prefer the following scenario. View as long a list as possible of differing objects, with a small Differences panel showing only group summary.

    Click something (perhaps double click the obj) and it expands only those groups that differ (that's all we're interested in, after all) in a maximised panel to show as much of the differences as possible.

    Having viewed the differences at your leisure, double-click the panel (or something equally not fiddly), and presto it reverts to the small group summary at the bottom and the maximised list of objects.

    I count only 2 double-clicks and minimal scrolling there. I'm open to any improvements on this :)
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