Collapse / Expand SQL differences

I'd like to have an option to "expand / collapse all" and "invert expansion state" in the "SQL differences" area of the selected object. This way its faster to spot where the differences are (when "View T-SQL in groups" is selected).
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Your request may appear in a future version of the software but I can not guarantee that your request will be accepted. If your request is accepted I cannot giveyou any time scales as to when it will appear in a future release of the software.
Many Thanks
Senior Product Support Engineer
Redgate Software Ltd
In SQL Compare 5.3.0, if you right click on the header of the SQL Differences panel there is an expand all / collapse all menu. Hope this is what you were after.
Also there is an internal debate going on at Red Gate as to the usefulness View T-SQL in groups feature. What do you use the grouping bars in the SQL Differences panel for?
-Project Manager
-Red Gate Software Ltd
I dont like to have many "ignore" settings on as i like things to be as identical as possible - even fillfactors and so on
I would be devastated if the show in groups function was deleted
And ill also take this opportunity to pimp the suggestion of having "jump to next/prev" difference buttons, to save scrolling through all of the code to find the difference. Any decent difference tool has this functionality!
Thanks for the feedback, we have since resolved the debate: and you will be pleased to hear the grouping bars are staying. I cannot say much about what will be in the new version, but we will run a beta programme before the final release, so that everyone can have their say.
-Project Manager
-Red Gate Software Ltd
I would prefer the following scenario. View as long a list as possible of differing objects, with a small Differences panel showing only group summary.
Click something (perhaps double click the obj) and it expands only those groups that differ (that's all we're interested in, after all) in a maximised panel to show as much of the differences as possible.
Having viewed the differences at your leisure, double-click the panel (or something equally not fiddly), and presto it reverts to the small group summary at the bottom and the maximised list of objects.
I count only 2 double-clicks and minimal scrolling there. I'm open to any improvements on this