Script modification
Posts: 10
Can the script that is generated by SQL Packager be modified prior to making the .net executable?
We currently use AppRole security and I would like to replace the default 'p@ssw0rd' with the correct password so when the DB is created, we don't need to drop and recreate the AppRole account and permissions.
Kevin Z.
We currently use AppRole security and I would like to replace the default 'p@ssw0rd' with the correct password so when the DB is created, we don't need to drop and recreate the AppRole account and permissions.
Kevin Z.
Thanks for asking. Packager doesn't have an option to set the default new login passwords; they are always set to P@ssw0rd.
One possibility may be to save the package as a Visual Studio Project, then try editing the script resource directly inside the project, replacing P@ssw0rd with the password. Another option would be to excluse the users from the package, then create them outside of Packager with a SQL script and run the script using the package's /presql command when you deploy the package.
Is there any future app enhancement that may allow the modification of user passwords in the scripts? This isn't only a SQL Packager request, the same is needed for SQL Compare, although in Compare I can copy the script and manually run it in a query window.
Kevin Z.
Is there an enhancement planned to fix this?