Comments, script export and offline viewer

rt76rt76 Posts: 4
edited March 16, 2007 7:41AM in SQL Dependency Tracker
It would be useful for documentation purposes to be able to put comments on any object and then have it saved in the project file.

It would also be useful if there could be an option to save all the SQL scripts for all objects into the project file so it could be viewed offline.

Another useful feature would be a free viewer so that I could send the project file to someone and they could view it offline.


  • Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1

    By the way, you can export the graph as a PNG graphic or an EMF (scalable) graphic.
  • As an aside, all the scripts associated with objects in the project are saved with the project; so you should be able to right-click an object and "Show SQL Script". You can freely e-mail or copy SQL Dependency Tracker projects around and work with them offline, although you do need a licensed or trial version of Dependency Tracker to view them.

    All the best,

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