We've a lot of indexes where the STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE flag differs between databases, and this difference is of no interest to us so it would be very beneficial to have the option to eliminate this from the comparison in the project.
There are a lot of compare switches/options but I believe this one is missing.
There are a lot of compare switches/options but I believe this one is missing.
This should be a result of comparing a SQL Server 2000 database to a SQL Server 2005 database, so if there was any change to the settings in this regard, it would be to omit all SQL 2005 syntax from the migration script. And the program already does this (as best it can) depending on the order in which you specify the databases on the left and right on the project settings, as I had mentioned in the previous topic.
and as you might have noticed in my reply to your answer regarding the bug - this is between two SQL server 2000 servers...
I have the same problem. Our DBA groups have maintenance jobs that make the STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE flag differ from server to server. I encounter this problem regardless of whether my comparison is in version or
I too am comparing two SQL Server 2000 databases. The one advantage of the newer version is that at least it tells you what the difference is. The older version flagged a difference, but when you drilled down to see what it was it only showed = signs. If I want to run a real comparison using this tool, I have to have my DBAs run this command in order to turn autostats back on and only then do a get a valid comparison.
EXEC sp_MSforeachtable @command1="print '?' EXEC sp_autostats '?', 'ON'"
It would be nice if this could be addressed.