Another feature request :)

Hi Paul,
Possibly... I can say that there was a lot of agony about choosing the
colours to represent different things based on perceptions and usability
tests, so I don't know how warm a welcome this idea will get.
Brian Donahue
Red Gate Technical Support
"Paul Buxton" <> wrote in message
> A minor one this time, and one that should be asy to implement
> I was doing a comparison, and I have a field that is 1 character long. In
> 1280*1024, its damned difficult to see a colour difference on fields at
> first glance.
> Could you possibly make an option for the user to choose to choose a
> for the cell background AND foreground?? With a coloured background, I'd
> have spotted the difference on a single char field
Possibly... I can say that there was a lot of agony about choosing the
colours to represent different things based on perceptions and usability
tests, so I don't know how warm a welcome this idea will get.
Brian Donahue
Red Gate Technical Support
"Paul Buxton" <> wrote in message
> A minor one this time, and one that should be asy to implement

> I was doing a comparison, and I have a field that is 1 character long. In
> 1280*1024, its damned difficult to see a colour difference on fields at
> first glance.
> Could you possibly make an option for the user to choose to choose a
> for the cell background AND foreground?? With a coloured background, I'd
> have spotted the difference on a single char field

This discussion has been closed.
M2 Information Systems