Expired trial when service not started (version 4.5)

In version 4.5 if the SQL Backup Agent service can't be started, the left hand panel in the GUI will show the Expired trial symbol. This is because the service is required to be running in order to check the status of the licensing.
If one instance shows that the trial is expired and you don't believe this to be true, it's worth checking that the SQL Backup Agent service is running for that instance.
Go to Contol panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services and right click the SQL Backup Agent service (for the corresponding SQL Server instance) to check the Log on account and to make sure it's started and the account it's running under has permissions to write to the registry.
If one instance shows that the trial is expired and you don't believe this to be true, it's worth checking that the SQL Backup Agent service is running for that instance.
Go to Contol panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services and right click the SQL Backup Agent service (for the corresponding SQL Server instance) to check the Log on account and to make sure it's started and the account it's running under has permissions to write to the registry.
Helen Joyce
SQL Backup Project Manager
Red Gate Software
SQL Backup Project Manager
Red Gate Software
i'd like to add something:
i activated the sqlbackup software while the service was running because i had a "trial expired message" (see also my other post).
after activation + the service still running i still got this message. because we save the activation text i saw i already activated the software around 2 weeks ago. so that raised a question with me. stopping the service and starting it again solved the problem.
so having the service running is not sufficient ... it should be restarted after activation.