compare 5.2 problems

1. NO dependencies of the assemblies when their droping.
necessary to take into account dependencies between assembly!
2. interesting mistake was found in part violin creation function:
in old database is absent assembly_function2, which was created in new base. in new base assembly_function1 removed and assembly_function2 created.
in script:
drop fuction assembly_function1
create function assembly_fuction1
(function must be with new name, but it's created with old name)
necessary to take into account dependencies between assembly!
2. interesting mistake was found in part violin creation function:
in old database is absent assembly_function2, which was created in new base. in new base assembly_function1 removed and assembly_function2 created.
in script:
drop fuction assembly_function1
create function assembly_fuction1
(function must be with new name, but it's created with old name)
can you give some more information please. I donot think that I understand correctly.
What I did to try to recreate your problem was
Set up function1 on database1 & database2
Modified the base CLR on databases2
then renamed function1 on database2 to function2
then tried SQL Compare...
All seemed fine!
Please explain further
2. compare: in database2 function1 must be droped and function2 must be created, but in script contains
drop function1
create fuction1
function1 and function2 - assembly function (table-valued)
part of script:
PRINT N'Creating [dbo].[wd_getmoskitlist_order]'
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[wd_moskitlist_order](@idorder int)
RETURNS @userparametrs TABLE
in creating "get" why-that is absent, but in print "wd_GETmoskitlist_order"
I could not reproduce your problem, plus I was confused if this problem was regarding a CLR function or SQL style functions..
SQL Function
If you rename your functions eg using sp_Rename then you get the following problem. (Which looks like your problem)
CLR Function
However if I use CLR assemblies and rename (or drop and recreate) then everything works out correctly eg
The reason for different results is because the SQL style function definition is stored in sys.syscomments, which is not updated via the sp_rename.
Deleting and recreating the items should mean that all is fine.
Please explain more.
data in base not will - an archive will be small.
where and to whom send?
this will vastly accelerate searching for of the mistake.
You could send it to me....
thanks for your databases. I have sent a full explanation with snippits from your database to your private message box.
the problem with names function is locked.
but that with relationship between assembly?
When I only selected your the Function wd_getmoskitlist_order, SQL Compare works out that the following objects are dependant
customer diraction wd_getbytecount wd_getcolorin wd_getcolorout wd_getct wd_getfs wd_getglasslist wd_getmodelparam wd_getmodelsqr wd_getmoskitlist dbo.wd_getmoskitlist dbo.wd_getmoskitlist dbo.wd_getmoskitlist wd_getprofiles wd_getps wd_getquglass wd_getqumoskit wd_getqustv wd_getramasqr AtWDmodel
As you can see the only assembly that is being updated is AtWDmodelThe is dragged in because this function uses wd_getmoskitlist, which is in turn use AtWDmodel assembly. Ie as you say there is no relationship between these assemblies. I presume that you are finding the other assemblies being included because you are including something that drags them in ?
If you want a more visual representation of the relationships between things try out SQL Depenedency Viewer. I find it invaluable.
Hope that helps
problem1 - dependencies between all assembly of the base!
After compare going to the script: -> line numbers 85-89
dropping assemblies without dependencies!
correct sequence:
DROP ASSEMBLY [Atechnology.winDraw.Model]
with that OPTIONS of the comparison, about which I wrote.
call attention - in violin invalid sequence removing of the assemblies!
Could you send me your project file please. I was not able to get the following lines: I did have the options that you specified. However as yet I could not reproduce your specific issue....
Best regards
More Options...->
Do not use transactions in sync... - YES
Do not use ALTER ASSEBLY to change CLR types - YES
PRINT N'Dropping CLR assemblies'
DROP ASSEMBLY [Atechnology.winDraw.Model]
go to Management Studio->database->... and see to dependencies
of AtWinManufact or AtWDmodel.
they have a dependency from Atechnology.winDraw.Model
Arrr I think I am beginning to understand. Sorry for being so slow...
So does AtWDModel & AtWinManufact have a .NET reference to Atechnology.winDraw.Model? and then I presume that you have the necessary using statements in the necessary .cs files?
in compare5.2 assemblies dropping without regard dependencies between them.
necessary (step-by-step):
1. drop all functions and procedures, founded on assembly
2. drop all assemblies with provision for dependencies
3. create all assemblies with provision for dependencies
4. create all functions, which are founded on assembly
Thanks for the explaining what was going on. Now I understand, we will investigate it and I will get back to you in the near future.