Issues with SQL data compare

I'm relatively new to SQL, not brand new but certainly not anywher's near an expert. I'm having trouble synching to DB in sql. When I go to synch I get quite a few errors and lots of red text. Whereas I am intrested in learning more I was wondering if anyone would be available to assisst me with this problem one on one like through a webex or remote session. I certainly don't mind paying for the lesson. I am under a bit of a time crunch though.

Thank You


  • If you get in contact with they should be able to help you - or alternatively phone our support guys on

    1 866 733 4283 (toll free USA and Canada)
    0800 169 7433 (UK free phone)
    +44 (0)870 160 0037 (rest of the world)

    - James
    James Moore
    Red Gate Software Ltd
    James Moore
    Head of DBA Tools
    Red Gate Software Ltd
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