
Synchrozine DTS with SQL Data Compare?

Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1
edited September 15, 2003 10:24AM in SQL Data Compare Previous Versions
Hi Ron,

My two cents says that's a bad idea, because of 'undocumented' columns
of some of the tables in MSDB. Plus, Data Compare filters out all of the
System tables, so if you need to update one of those as well, you'd have to
do it manually!

Warm Regards,

Brian Donahue
Red Gate Technical Support

"RonC" <ron.carrico@mail.house.gov> wrote in message
> DTS Compare can tell you that is different, but doesn't generate change
> scripts. Has anyone tried to use SQL Data Compare to sync up DTS
> I guess the trick is to know what tables from MSDB are DTS related.
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