Suggestions.... (Helpful I hope)

I've had a play with the tool, but there is what appears to some glaring omissions for me....
1. A quick way of setting the colour shemes for object types would be good for me. e.g Set All Stored Procs to be Red Filled, Tables to Blue in Global Options.. I've not found a quick way to do it yet.
I did select all Stored Procs, then Properties colour. The tool then crashed out on me.
2. A quick filter to show only the objects with no dependencies. This would help identify quickly any tables that are potentially unused. You could do this via the Objects in Project window? new section called 'Potential Orphans'?
1. A quick way of setting the colour shemes for object types would be good for me. e.g Set All Stored Procs to be Red Filled, Tables to Blue in Global Options.. I've not found a quick way to do it yet.
I did select all Stored Procs, then Properties colour. The tool then crashed out on me.
2. A quick filter to show only the objects with no dependencies. This would help identify quickly any tables that are potentially unused. You could do this via the Objects in Project window? new section called 'Potential Orphans'?
1. You can click an object of a certain type, then right click it and choose Select->Same Type from the menu. This selects across all databases on the diagram. Then right click and hit Properties on the menu. If you change the Fill Color and Text Color, those changes will be applied to the entire selection; ie. to all objects of that type.
There is a bug in the 2.0 release whereby getting Properties on a large selection fails. This will be fixed in our forthcoming 2.1 release, which will be a 100% free upgrade from 2.0.
2. Thanks for that one - I'll pass it straight on.